如何在shell脚本的awk程序中使用$ xxx工作?

时间:2015-10-13 09:09:08

标签: shell awk

查看以下unix shell脚本:

echo "Enter the pattern to be searched: \c"
read pname
echo "Enter the file to be used: \c"
reac flname
echo "Searching $pname from the file $flname."
grep "$pname" $flname
echo "The search results are displayed above."

请注意grep线。无论$ pname是否用花括号括起来,代码都能正常工作。现在我想尝试awk。

    echo "Enter the pattern to be searched: \c"
    read pname
    echo "Enter the file to be used: \c"
    reac flname
    echo "Searching $pname from the file $flname."
    awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } 
    $3 ~ /"$pname"/' $flname
    echo "The search results are displayed above."

现在的问题是:$ pname是否有围绕它的花括号,awk部分不起作用。为什么?有没有办法让awk部分工作?

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