我是初学者! 我必须编写一个类似于caesar密码的代码,我有一个main.cpp,它写在下面,我在一个单独的ConvertString.cpp中编写了我的代码,也写在下面。
我无法使用ConvertString.cpp打印输出 main.cpp中。任何人都可以指出我的错误。非常感谢你的帮助!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string ConvertString (string, int);
int main () {
// define the modification intger variable and
//the new modification variable to recover the text
int mod_int, recover_int;
// declare the input string , mod_string, recovered string
string input_string, mod_string, recovered_string;
// top level loop to perform modification
while (1) {
cout << "Please enter modification key (or -1 to exit)" << endl;
// read in the mod_int from user
cin >> mod_int;
// if the user is done (mod_int == -1), then exit
if (mod_int == -1) break;
// read in the text to be modified
cout << "Please enter text to be modified" << endl;
cin >> input_string;
// modify the input text
mod_string = [ConvertString(input_string, mod_int)][1];
// print out the modified text
cout << endl << "The modified text is " << endl << mod_string << endl;
// calculate a new recover_int value to recover original text
// from the modified text -- used for testing only
recover_int = 26 - (mod_int%26);
// recover original text by calling ModifyString with new recover_int value
recovered_string = ConvertString(mod_string, recover_int);
// print out the recovered text -- should match original
cout << endl << "The recovered text is " << endl << recovered_string << endl << endl;
} // end while loop
} // end main function
enter code here
string ConvertString (string input_string, int mod_int)
// your programming code
int x; //integer x is declared
x= input_string.length();
for(int index=0; index < x ; index++)
if(isalpha(input_string[index])) //checks the string for alphabet
int start = 65; //if alphabets is present in the string, it is assumed as upper case characters
//starting point is taken as character 'A' with ASCII value of 65
if(islower(input_string[index])) //if lower case character is present in string
start=97; //start is taken as 'a' with ASCII value of 97
ConvertString(input_string, mod_int)=(((int)input_string[index]- start + mod_int)% 26) + start;
//input_string is converted to integer and then modified by the formula
//formula for characters in the string to cycle in the range from a-z and A-Z.
} //closing parenthesis for if
cout <<input_string[index]; // if character is not a-z or A-Z, print it without any modification
} //closing parenthesis belong to - for
return input_string; // return the converted string
} //end ConvertString
答案 0 :(得分:0)
ConvertString(input_string, mod_int)=(((int)input_string[index]- start + mod_int)% 26) + start;
return ConvertString(input_string, mod_int)=(((int)input_string[index]- start + mod_int)% 26) + start;
// ^^^ Missing