class Languages(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=255)
short_name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=4, blank=True, null=True)
active = models.BooleanField(default="")
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'languages'
ordering = ('id',)
class GenresVideo(models.Model):
genre_id = models.IntegerField()
language = models.ForeignKey('Languages')
name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'genres_video'
unique_together = (('genre_id', 'language'),)
ordering = ('genre_id',)
class MoviesGenres(models.Model):
movie = models.ForeignKey(Movies)
genre_id = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'movies_genres'
unique_together = (('movie', 'genre_id'),)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果你能写,那么阅读数据就容易多了。 首先,您需要扫描要从中接收数据的服务。像
func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral!, didDiscoverServices error: NSError!) {
self.statusLabel.text = "Looking at peripheral services"
for service in peripheral.services {
let thisService = service as CBService
if service.UUID == yourseviceid {
// Discover characteristics of Service
peripheral.discoverCharacteristics(nil, forService: thisService)
// Uncomment to print list of UUIDs
func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral!, didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService service: CBService!, error: NSError!) {
// check the uuid of each characteristic to find config and data characteristics of the one you are interested
for charateristic in service.characteristics {
let thisCharacteristic = charateristic as CBCharacteristic
// check for data characteristic
if thisCharacteristic.UUID == yourcharUUID {
// Enable Notification to if the if it will be updated periodically and you want to update
peripheralDevice.setNotifyValue(true, forCharacteristic: thisCharacteristic)
//Or just read the value if you just want to read
// Get data values when they are updated
func peripheral(peripheral: CBPeripheral!, didUpdateValueForCharacteristic characteristic: CBCharacteristic!, error: NSError!) {
if characteristic.UUID == yourUUID {
// Convert the revived NSData to array of signed 16 bit values
let dataBytes = characteristic.value
//parse the data received and display where you want