
时间:2015-10-12 01:18:56

标签: coq induction coq-tactic


Definition rcons {X:Type} (l:list X) (x:X) : list X := 
  l ++ x::nil.


Definition true_for_nil {X:Type}(P:list X -> Prop) : Prop :=
  P nil.

Definition true_for_list {X:Type} (P:list X -> Prop) : Prop :=
  forall xs, P xs.

Definition preserved_by_rcons {X:Type} (P: list X -> Prop): Prop :=
  forall xs' x, P xs' -> P (rcons xs' x).

Theorem list_ind_rcons: 
  forall {X:Type} (P:list X -> Prop),
    true_for_nil P ->
    preserved_by_rcons P ->
    true_for_list P.
Proof. Admitted.



Theorem rev_app_dist: forall {X} (l1 l2:list X), rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1.
Proof. intros X l1 l2. 
  induction l2 using list_ind_rcons.


Error: Cannot recognize an induction scheme.



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


Theorem list_ind_rcons:
  forall {X:Type} (P:list X -> Prop),
    P nil ->
    (forall x l, P l -> P (rcons l x)) ->
    forall l, P l.
Proof. Admitted.

Theorem rev_app_dist: forall {X} (l1 l2:list X), rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1.
Proof. intros X l1 l2.
  induction l2 using @list_ind_rcons.


答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果想要保留中间定义,那么可以使用 DT <- dbReadTable(my_db, "hist") ui <- fluidPage( sidebarPanel( numericInput("num", label = h3("select to see age increase above ", inputId = 'Value', min = 0),), mainPanel( dataTableOutput('Filter')), ) ) server <- function(input, output,session){ output$Filter <- renderDataTable( datatable( DT %>% filter(( <= )), ### need help here caption = 'Growth of Age Greater then User Input', selection="single", escape=FALSE, options = list( lengthMenu = list(c(5, 15, -1), c('5', '15', 'All')), pageLength = 10, #remove the search bar in the list sDom = '<"top">lrt<"bottom">ip' ) ), server = TRUE ) } shinyApp( ui = ui, server = server) 机制,如下所示:


Coq替换定义,Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations. Definition rcons {X:Type} (l:list X) (x:X) : list X := l ++ [x]. Section custom_induction_principle. Variable X : Type. Variable P : list X -> Prop. Hypothesis true_for_nil : P nil. Hypothesis true_for_list : forall xs, P xs. Hypothesis preserved_by_rcons : forall xs' x, P xs' -> P (rcons xs' x). Fixpoint list_ind_rcons (xs : list X) : P xs. Admitted. End custom_induction_principle. 具有所需类型,list_ind_rcons有效:

induction ... using ...


Theorem rev_app_dist: forall {X} (l1 l2:list X),
  rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1.
Proof. intros X l1 l2. 
  induction l2 using list_ind_rcons.