
时间:2015-10-10 09:42:13

标签: duplicates scheme racket

我必须制作Dr. Racket程序,如果它们跟随自己的相同字母,则从列表中删除字母。例如:(z z f a b b d d)将成为 (z f a b d)。我已经为此编写了代码,但它只是从列表中删除了第一个字母。 有人可以帮忙吗?

#lang racket 
(define (remove-duplicates x)
(cond ((null? x)
    ((member (car x) (cons(car(cdr x)) '())))
     (remove-duplicates (cdr x))
     (cons (car x) (remove-duplicates (cdr x))))))

(define x '( b c c d d a a))
(remove-duplicates x)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

(define (remove-dups x)
     [(empty? x) '()]
     [(empty? (cdr x))  (list (car x))]
     [(eq? (car x) (cadr x))  (remove-dups (cdr x))]
     [else  (cons (car x) (remove-dups (cdr x)))]))

(cadr x)(car (cdr x))的缩写。


(define (rmv-dups x)
  (match x
    [(list)  (list)]
    [(list a)  (list a)]
    [(cons a (cons a b))  (rmv-dups (cdr x))]
    [__  (cons (car x) (rmv-dups (cdr x)))]))

答案 1 :(得分:1)



(define (remove-duplicates x)
    [ <x is empty>                             '()]  ; no duplicates in empty list
    [ <x has one element>                      x]    ; no duplicates in a list with one element
    [ <first and second element in x is equal> (cons (car x) (remove-from-front (car x) (cdr x)))]
    [else                                      (cons (car x) (remove-duplicates (cdr x)))]))

(define (remove-from-front e x)
    [ <x is empty>                  '()]                 ; e is not the first element of x
    [ <e equals first element of x> (remove-from-front e (cdr x))] ; skip duplicate
    [else                           (remove-duplicates x)]))       ; no more es to remove