是否有使用LoadPicture(“bmp_or_icon_file_path”)在Excel 2007 VBA中加载图像的替代方法

时间:2010-07-22 01:58:00

标签: image excel-vba excel-2007 vba excel

我有一个Excel 2007工作表,其中包含许多用作菜单选项的按钮和标签(即用户单击按钮,带有图像的标签),并显示表单或其他内容。

通过指定Control的 Picture 属性并使用完整图像文件路径调用 LoadPicture ()方法,可以在VBA中加载按钮和标签的这些图像/图标作为参数,如So。

   With SomeFormObject
        .cmdOpenFile.Picture = LoadPicture("F:\projectname\images\fileopen.BMP")
   End With


2) 如果图像在共享驱动器上(这种情况),应用程序会变得很慢


在Excel 2007 VBA中实现此目的的最佳方法是什么?

我无法提交任何Visual Basic 6.0 / Visual Studio样式的“资源文件编辑器”/功能来完成此任务。


-Shiva @ mycodetrip.com

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


理念是: 您可以将图片嵌入工作表中,每次要为Command设置图片时,都可以将它们从工作表导出到文件并通过LoadPicture加载。通过VBA导出嵌入式图片的唯一方法是首先将其设为Chart

以下代码基于 johnske

中的'Export pictures from Excel'
Option Explicit

Sub setAllPictures()
    setPicture "Picture 18", "CommandButtonOpen"
    setPicture "Picture 3", "CommandButtonClose"
End Sub

Sub setPicture(pictureName As String, commandName As String)
    Dim pictureSheet As Worksheet
    Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
    Dim embeddedPicture As Picture
    Dim pictureChart As Chart

    Dim MyPicture As String
    Dim PicWidth As Long
    Dim PicHeight As Long

    Set pictureSheet = Sheets("NameOfYourPictureSheet") ' <- to Change '
    Set targetSheet = Sheets("NameOfYourSheet")  ' <- to Change '

    Set embeddedPicture = pictureSheet.Shapes(pictureName).OLEFormat.Object
    With embeddedPicture
        MyPicture = .Name
        PicHeight = .ShapeRange.Height
        PicWidth = .ShapeRange.Width
    End With

    ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=pictureSheet.Name
    Set pictureChart = ActiveChart

    embeddedPicture.Border.LineStyle = 0

    With pictureChart.Parent
          .Width = PicWidth
          .Height = PicHeight
    End With

    With pictureSheet

        With pictureChart
        End With

        .ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export Filename:="temp.jpg", FilterName:="jpg"
    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    targetSheet.Shapes(commandName).OLEFormat.Object.Object.Picture = LoadPicture("temp.jpg")

    Set pictureChart = Nothing
    Set embeddedPicture = Nothing
    Set targetSheet = Nothing
    Set pictureSheet = Nothing
End Sub

Sub listPictures()
    ' Helper Function to get the Names of the Picture-Shapes '
    Dim pictureSheet As Worksheet
    Dim sheetShape As Shape

    Set pictureSheet = Sheets("NameOfYourSheet")
    For Each sheetShape In pictureSheet.Shapes
        If Left(sheetShape.Name, 7) = "Picture" Then Debug.Print sheetShape.Name
    Next sheetShape

    Set sheetShape = Nothing
    Set pictureSheet = Nothing
End Sub

结束: 从映射的网络驱动器加载图像似乎不那么混乱,并且不应该有那么大的速度差异。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我能想到的2个替代方案:form.img.picture=pastepicture= oleobjects("ActiveXPictureName").object.picture