
时间:2015-10-10 01:54:57

标签: average stata moving-average


clear all
set seed 100
set obs 36
egen group = seq(), from(1) to(2) block(18)
egen year = seq(), from(2000) to(2005) block(3)
egen month = seq(), from(1) to(3)
gen y = round(runiform()*10)
sort group month year
replace y = . in 3 
replace y = . in 7 
replace y = . in 11
replace y = . in 19
replace y = . in 28


group   year    month   y
1       2000    1       10
1       2001    1       1
1       2002    1       
1       2003    1       9
1       2004    1       5
1       2005    1       6

我想要做的是使用egen创建移动平均值y。换句话说,取基于当前年度(包括当前年度)前3年的平均值;如果年份不在数据中,请不要使用那一年。对于2000年,移动平均值为10。我们想忽略计算中的缺失;但只能回到3年。对于与2005年相对应的行,它将是(20/3). For 2004 , it would be 5 (and not 10/3`)。


bys group month: egen avg = mean(temp) if year>year[_n]-3 & year<=year[_n]


在我的错误代码行中,在第一个group month组中,我希望它从obs开始。 1。它应计算年份值的所有观测值的平均值大于1997且小于或等于2000。在这种情况下,这只是第一次观察。




sort group month year
forvalues i = 1/3 {
    bys group: gen y_`i' = y[_n-`i']

bys group month: egen avg = mean(y) if year>year[_n]
egen ma_3 = rowmean(y y_1 y_2 y_3)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


clear all
set seed 100
set obs 36
egen group = seq(), from(1) to(2) block(18)
egen year = seq(), from(2000) to(2005) block(3)
egen month = seq(), from(1) to(3)
gen y = round(runiform()*10)
sort group month year
replace y = . in 3 
replace y = . in 7 
replace y = . in 11
replace y = . in 19
replace y = . in 28

* create a panel variable by grouping the group and month variable
isid group month year, sort
egen group_month = group(group month)

* declare data to be a time-series
tsset group_month year

* calculate a moving average over 3 years
tsegen avg = rowmean(L(0/2).y)