我已经实现了快速排序以进行一些时间分析并且它会编译但在运行后继续崩溃,我无法弄清楚原因。另外我认为辅助函数的一个返回语句if(high == low)
int partition(int A[], int low, int high) {
//Partition the array into two parts
//Pre Condition: A[] must have more than 2 elements
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
int pivot = A[mid]; //Store the value at A[mid] in our pivot
A[mid] = A[low]; //Make a "gap" at low
while(low < high) {
//The "gap" is currently at low
while(low < high && A[high] >= pivot) {
A[low] = A[high]; //"Gap" is now at A[high]
while(low < high && A[low] <= pivot) {
A[high] = A[low];
A[low] = pivot;
return low;
void quickSort(int A[], int low, int high) {
//QuickSort Helper Function
//Pre Condition: A > 0
//Post Condition: Partition of the array
if(low == high) //***ERROR HERE***
if(low + 1 == high) {
if(A[low] > A[high]) {
swap(A, high, low);
//Assign the return value to pivotPos after running partition method
int pivotPos = partition(A, low, high);
quickSort(A, low, pivotPos - 1); //Recursive call
quickSort(A, pivotPos + 1, high); //Recursive call
void quickSort(int A[], int n) {
//Quicksort sorting algorithm
//Precondition: A < 0
//Postcondition: Sorted array in ascending order
quickSort(A, 0, n - 1); //call our helper function