答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果你有SQL Server 2012或更新版本,你可以使用Windows函数的一些技巧来获得这种没有游标的分组,如下所示:
Date, Subscribers,
case when Subscribers = 0 then 'No group'
else 'Group' + convert(varchar, GRP) end as GRP
from (
Date, Subscribers,
sum (GRP) over (order by Date asc) as GRP
from (
case when Subscribers > 0 and
isnull(lag(Subscribers) over (order by Date asc),0) = 0 then 1 else 0 end as GRP
from SubscribersCountByDay S
) X
) Y
答案 1 :(得分:1)
在足以支持CTE的SQL Server版本中,您可以使用以下无光标查询:
-- Sample data.
declare @SampleData as Table ( Id Int Identity, Subscribers Int );
insert into @SampleData ( Subscribers ) values
-- ( 0 ), -- Test edge case when we have a zero first row.
( 200 ), ( 100 ), ( 200 ),
( 0 ), ( 0 ), ( 0 ),
( 50 ), ( 50 ), ( 12 ),
( 0 ), ( 0 ),
( 43 ), ( 34 ), ( 34 );
select * from @SampleData;
-- Run the query.
with ZerosAndRows as (
-- Add IsZero to indicate zero/non-zero and a row number to each row.
select Id, Subscribers,
case when Subscribers = 0 then 0 else 1 end as IsZero,
Row_Number() over ( order by Id ) as RowNumber
from @SampleData ),
Groups as (
-- Add a group number to every row.
select Id, Subscribers, IsZero, RowNumber, 1 as GroupNumber
from ZerosAndRows
where RowNumber = 1
union all
select FAR.Id, FAR.Subscribers, FAR.IsZero, FAR.RowNumber,
-- Increment GroupNumber only when we move from a non-zero row to a zero row.
case when Groups.IsZero = 1 and FAR.IsZero = 0 then Groups.GroupNumber + 1 else Groups.GroupNumber end
from ZerosAndRows as FAR inner join Groups on Groups.RowNumber + 1 = FAR.RowNumber
-- Display the results.
select Id, Subscribers,
case when IsZero = 0 then 'no group' else 'Group' + Cast( GroupNumber as VarChar(10) ) end as Grouped
from Groups
order by Id;
替换为select * from FlagsAndRows
或select * from Groups