1 2 3
5 4 6
7 8 9
结束1 3 4
5 9 6
7 8 9
1 3 4
5 1 6
7 8 18
8 7 6
5 5 5
9 1 72
import sys
import Queue
conf = "213 547 689"
grid1 = []
for y in conf.split():
for x in y:
a = []
explored = set()
sol = Queue.LifoQueue()
def tostr(node):
s = ''
for i in range(0,9):
s += str(node[i]) + ' '
return s
def printsol():
while not sol.empty():
print sol.get()
def same(x, y, grid):
for n in neighbors(y):
ng = grid[:]
if grid[n] == x and n != y:
if x == 576:
ng[n] = 2*x
ng[y] = 1
same(2*x, n, ng)
solve(ng, grid)
ng[n] = 1
ng[y] = 2*x
same(2*x, y, ng)
solve(ng, grid)
##succeeding functions are edited versions of Boggle solver from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/746082/how-to-find-list-of-possible-words-from-a-letter-matrix-boggle-solver
def solve(grid2, grid1):
for i in range(0,9):
if grid2[i] < 9 and tostr(grid2) not in explored:
for result in extending(grid2[i], (i,), grid2):
newgrid = grid2[:]
y = len(result) - 1
for j in range(0, y):
newgrid[result[j]] += 1
newgrid[result[y]] = 9
if tostr(newgrid) not in explored:
same(9, result[y], newgrid)
solve(newgrid, grid2)
def extending(add, path, grid2):
if add == 9:
yield path
for n in neighbors(path[-1]):
if n not in path:
add1 = add + grid2[n]
if add1 <= 9:
for result in extending(add1, path + (n,), grid2):
yield result
def neighbors(n):
for nx in range(max(0, n%3-1), min(n%3+2, 3)):
for ny in range(max(0, n/3-1), min(n/3+2, 3)):
yield ny*3+nx
solve(grid1, grid1)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
-577 246 576
36 288 9
1 1 576
144 36 72
-577 245 576
36 288 18
18 1 576
144 9 72
-577 249 576
1 288 9
1 288 576
1 1 1
-577 245 576
36 288 1
18 18 576
144 9 72
-577 250 576
1 1 9
1 576 576
1 1 1
-1153 251 1152
1 1 9
1 1 1152
1 1 1
-1153 251 1152
1 1 9
1 1152 1
1 1 1
-577 250 576
1 576 9
1 1 576
1 1 1
-1153 251 1152
1 1 9
1 1 1152
1 1 1
-1153 251 1152
1 1152 9
1 1 1
1 1 1
正如你所看到的,为了得分 1152 ,你必须深入探索。还要考虑到分支因子非常大,您可以看到问题具有挑战性。您必须执行〜 250 移动才能获得 1152 的分数。假设每次移动需要 10 秒,你将以 40分钟来玩游戏!!!
我所做的是将每个节点/状态的分数关联起来,在探索过程中,我只保留了顶部 1000 节点/状态。这确保我们仅探索相关节点。 所以剩下的就是设计得分函数/启发式算法。这是我尝试过的得分函数:
使用简单的启发式方法可以构建更复杂的方法。我最终得到的是启发式,它只是上述列表中第一个和最后一个的总和。采用更严格的启发式方法会使搜索变得混乱。这是代码(python 3):
import random
from queue import PriorityQueue
dx = [0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]
dy = [-1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1]
class State:
def __init__(self, a, depth):
self.depth = depth
if len(a) == 9:
self.a = (tuple(a[:3]), tuple(a[3:6]), tuple(a[6:]))
if len(a) == 3:
self.a = tuple(map(tuple, a))
def check(i):
return 0 <= i < 3
def get_9_moves(self):
ans = []
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if self.a[i][j] % 9 == 0:
for k in range(len(dx)):
ni, nj = i + dx[k], j + dy[k]
if State.check(ni) and State.check(nj):
if self.a[ni][nj] % 9 == 0 and \
self.a[i][j] == self.a[ni][nj]:
ans.append(((i, j), (ni, nj)))
return ans
def get_sum_moves_rec(self, i, j, cur_sum, cur_cells, ans):
if cur_sum > 9:
if cur_sum == 9 and len(cur_cells) > 1:
for k in range(len(dx)):
ni, nj = i + dx[k], j + dy[k]
pair = (ni, nj)
if self.check(ni) and self.check(nj) and pair not in cur_cells:
self.get_sum_moves_rec(ni, nj, cur_sum + self.a[ni][nj], cur_cells, ans)
def get_sum_moves(self):
ans = []
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
self.get_sum_moves_rec(i, j, self.a[i][j], [(i, j)], ans)
return ans
def get_neighbours(self):
neighbours = []
moves = self.get_sum_moves()
for move in moves:
a = list(map(list, self.a))
for i in range(len(move)):
x, y = move[i]
if i == len(move)-1:
a[x][y] = 9
a[x][y] += 1
neighbours.append(State(a, self.depth+1))
moves = self.get_9_moves()
for move in moves:
a = list(map(list, self.a))
a[move[0][0]][move[0][1]] = 1
a[move[1][0]][move[1][1]] *= 2
neighbours.append(State(a, self.depth+1))
return neighbours
def get_value(self):
return max(map(max, self.a))
# 576
def get_score0(self):
return -self.get_value()
def get_score1(self):
ans = 0
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if self.a[i][j] % 9 == 0:
ans += 1
return ans
# 36
def get_score2(self):
ans = 0
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if self.a[i][j] < 9:
ans += 1
return ans
# achieves 1152 but rather slow
def get_score3(self):
return -self.depth
# 36
def get_score4(self):
ans = 0
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if self.a[i][j] == 1:
ans += 1
return ans
# 288
def get_score5(self):
return -sum(map(sum, self.a))
def get_score6(self):
t = []
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if self.a[i][j] % 9 == 0:
t.append((self.a[i][j], (i, j)))
ans = 0
for i in range(len(t) - 1):
pairi = t[i][1]
pairj = t[i+1][1]
if abs(pairi[0]-pairj[0]) <= 1 and abs(pairi[1]-pairj[1]) <= 1:
ans += 1
return -ans
def get_score7(self):
t = []
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if self.a[i][j] % 9 == 0:
ans = 0
for i in range(len(t) - 1):
if t[i] // t[i+1] == 2:
ans += 1
return -ans
def get_score8(self):
t = []
for e in self.a:
return len(list(filter(lambda x: x >= 9,t)))
def get_score9(self):
t = []
for e in self.a:
return len(list(filter(lambda x: x <= 2,t)))
def get_score10(self):
t = []
for e in self.a:
return len(set(filter(lambda x: x >= 9,t)))
def get_score_mix(self):
# achieves 1152
return self.get_score0() + self.get_score6()
def __repr__(self):
ans = ''
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
ans += '{0:4d} '.format(self.a[i][j])
ans += '\n'
return ans
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.a)
def __lt__(self, other):
# hash(self) < hash(other)
class Solver:
def strategy1(s):
visited = set()
while True:
# print(s)
neighbours = s.get_neighbours()
if len(neighbours) == 0:
ns = None
for i in range(30):
ns = random.choice(neighbours)
if not ns in visited:
s = ns
if ns is None:
def strategy2(s):
visited = set()
max_depth = 6
max_value = 0
calls = 0
def dfs(state, depth):
# print(state)
nonlocal max_value, calls
calls += 1
if depth > max_depth:
if state in visited:
max_value = max(max_value, s.get_value())
for new_state in state.get_neighbours():
dfs(new_state, depth + 1)
dfs(s, 0)
def strategy3(s):
visited = set()
pq = PriorityQueue(maxsize=1000)
pq.put((0, s))
max_value = 0
while not pq.empty():
score, state = pq.get()
# print(' score0 score1 score2 score3 score4 score5 score6 score7 score8 score9 score10')
# print('{0:7d} {1:7d} {2:7d} {3:7d} {4:7d} {5:7d} {6:7d} {7:7d} {8:7d} {9:7d} {10:7d}'.format(state.get_score0(), state.get_score1(), state.get_score2(),
# state.get_score3(), state.get_score4(), state.get_score5(),
# state.get_score6(), state.get_score7(), state.get_score8(),
# state.get_score9(), state.get_score10()))
print(score, state.depth, state.get_value())
max_value = max(max_value, state.get_value())
for new_state in state.get_neighbours():
# print(random.randint(0, 10))
if new_state not in visited:
pq._put((new_state.get_score_mix(), new_state))
start = list(range(1, 10))
s = State(start, 0)
# s = State([1, 1, 18, 18, 18, 36, 18 , 18, 2 ], 0)
# print(s)
# for n in s.get_neighbours():
# print(n)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
它是一种蛮力搜索,但我对每个深度返回的选项进行排序,并限制深度以使其更快。我现在不记得我是如何排序和限制深度的,LOL。 (我将看看代码,稍后当我有时间时添加...我认为代码只是在最后一次运行具有最高总和的每个深度处设置少量结果。)
我对这段代码的喜爱是,它基本上是“做好工作”,而不是努力寻找最简洁有效的方法。我特别喜欢长case ix of
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
import Data.List (sortBy,nubBy)
import Data.Ord (compare)
import System.Time
main = do
putStrLn "Puzzle Number 9 Solver Copyright May 2015 alhambra1"
putStrLn "\nEnter 'e' at any time to exit"
putStrLn "\nEnter target number"
target <- getLine
if null target
then main
else if head target == 'e'
then return ()
else do
putStrLn "Enter number of moves at each choice point (density, 3 to 6 recommended)"
density <- getLine
if null density
then main
else if head density == 'e'
then return ()
else do
putStrLn "Enter board numbers separated by spaces"
board <- getLine
if null board
then main
else if head board == 'e'
then return ()
else do
putStrLn ""
time1 <- getClockTime
let b = map (\x -> read x :: Int) (take 9 $ words board)
t = read (head (words target)) :: Int
d = read (head (words density)) :: Int
print (map reverse $ reverse $ head $ take 1 $ f t b [] d)
time2 <- getClockTime
putStrLn ""
print (timeDiffToString $ diffClockTimes time2 time1)
putStrLn ""
exit = do
putStrLn "Enter 'a' to start again or 'e' to exit"
line <- getLine
if null line
then exit
else if head line == 'a'
then do putStrLn ""
else if head line == 'e'
then return ()
else exit
f target board paths toTake
| not (null hasTarget) = [(((\(x,y,z)-> z) . head $ hasTarget):paths)]
| null ms = []
| otherwise = do (s,bd,idxs) <- take toTake (sortBy (\(x,y,z) (x',y',z') -> compare x' x) ms')
f target bd (idxs:paths) toTake
where hasTarget = filter ((==target) . (\(x,y,z)-> x)) ms
ms = moves board
ms' = nubBy (\(x,y,z) (x',y',z') -> let a = drop 1 (init z)
b = drop 1 (init z')
in if not (null a) && not (null b)
then a == b
else False) ms
moves board = do j <- [1..9]
let num = board !! (j - 1)
board' = (take (j - 1) board) ++ [num + 1] ++ (drop j board)
moves' j board' num [j] 0 num
where moves' ix board s idxs prev next
| (s == 9 || multiple) && (length idxs > 1) = [(s,board',idxs)]
| s > 9 && mod s 9 /= 0 = []
| otherwise = case ix of
1 -> if elem 2 idxs then [] else moves' 2 board' (s + b) (2:idxs) next b
++ (if elem 4 idxs then [] else moves' 4 board' (s + d) (4:idxs) next d)
++ (if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e)
2 -> if elem 1 idxs then [] else moves' 1 board' (s + a) (1:idxs) next a
++ (if elem 3 idxs then [] else moves' 3 board' (s + c) (3:idxs) next c)
++ (if elem 4 idxs then [] else moves' 4 board' (s + d) (4:idxs) next d)
++ (if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e)
++ (if elem 6 idxs then [] else moves' 6 board' (s + f) (6:idxs) next f)
3 -> if elem 2 idxs then [] else moves' 2 board' (s + b) (2:idxs) next b
++ (if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e)
++ (if elem 6 idxs then [] else moves' 6 board' (s + f) (6:idxs) next f)
4 -> if elem 1 idxs then [] else moves' 1 board' (s + a) (1:idxs) next a
++ (if elem 2 idxs then [] else moves' 2 board' (s + b) (2:idxs) next b)
++ (if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e)
++ (if elem 7 idxs then [] else moves' 7 board' (s + g) (7:idxs) next g)
++ (if elem 8 idxs then [] else moves' 8 board' (s + h) (8:idxs) next h)
5 -> if elem 1 idxs then [] else moves' 1 board' (s + a) (1:idxs) next a
++ (if elem 2 idxs then [] else moves' 2 board' (s + b) (2:idxs) next b)
++ (if elem 3 idxs then [] else moves' 3 board' (s + c) (3:idxs) next c)
++ (if elem 4 idxs then [] else moves' 4 board' (s + d) (4:idxs) next d)
++ (if elem 6 idxs then [] else moves' 6 board' (s + f) (6:idxs) next f)
++ (if elem 7 idxs then [] else moves' 7 board' (s + g) (7:idxs) next g)
++ (if elem 8 idxs then [] else moves' 8 board' (s + h) (8:idxs) next h)
++ (if elem 9 idxs then [] else moves' 9 board' (s + i) (9:idxs) next i)
6 -> if elem 2 idxs then [] else moves' 2 board' (s + b) (2:idxs) next b
++ (if elem 3 idxs then [] else moves' 3 board' (s + c) (3:idxs) next c)
++ (if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e)
++ (if elem 8 idxs then [] else moves' 8 board' (s + h) (8:idxs) next h)
++ (if elem 9 idxs then [] else moves' 9 board' (s + i) (9:idxs) next i)
7 -> if elem 4 idxs then [] else moves' 4 board' (s + d) (4:idxs) next d
++ (if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e)
++ (if elem 8 idxs then [] else moves' 8 board' (s + h) (8:idxs) next h)
8 -> if elem 4 idxs then [] else moves' 4 board' (s + d) (4:idxs) next d
++ (if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e)
++ (if elem 6 idxs then [] else moves' 6 board' (s + f) (6:idxs) next f)
++ (if elem 7 idxs then [] else moves' 7 board' (s + g) (7:idxs) next g)
++ (if elem 9 idxs then [] else moves' 9 board' (s + i) (9:idxs) next i)
9 -> if elem 5 idxs then [] else moves' 5 board' (s + e) (5:idxs) next e
++ (if elem 6 idxs then [] else moves' 6 board' (s + f) (6:idxs) next f)
++ (if elem 8 idxs then [] else moves' 8 board' (s + h) (8:idxs) next h)
where multiple = length idxs == 2 && prev == next && mod s 9 == 0
[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] = board
board' = if s == 9
then (take (headIdxs - 1) board) ++ [9] ++ (drop headIdxs board)
else if multiple
then board''
else (take (headIdxs - 1) board) ++ [next + 1] ++ (drop headIdxs board)
board'' = map (\(x,y) -> if x == headIdxs then y * 2 else if x == last idxs then 1 else y) (zip [1..] board)
headIdxs = head idxs
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:-1)
集合,其中包含可能永远不会被使用的高值。改为使用BFS或A *。