在C ++中查找平均值,最大值,某些变量数以及计算循环次数的问题

时间:2015-10-09 07:17:17

标签: c++

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int userInput(int& Length, char& AuthorLevel);
int computePay(int& Length, char& AuthorLevel);

int main(void)
   int Length;      // The length of the story.
   int counter = 0;
   int numA = 0;
   int numB = 0;
   int numC = 0;
   char AuthorLevel;    // The level of the author.
   float PayOut;        // The final payout.
   float averagePayout = 0.0;
   float highestPayout = 0.0;

   while (1)
      userInput(Length, AuthorLevel);
      if ( Length == -1 )
         break; // Force the loop to quit, and the program to end.
      computePay(Length, AuthorLevel);

   return 0;
    } //end main()

int userInput(int& Length, char& AuthorLevel )
   cout << "Please enter the word count of the story (-1 to stop): ";
   cin >> Length;
   if( Length != -1)
      cout << "Now enter the author's level (A, B, or C): ";
      cin >> AuthorLevel;
      cout << endl;
   return 0;

int computePay(int& Length, char& AuthorLevel)
   float PayOut;        // The final payout.
   int numA = 0; // Number of A's that have been printed.
   int numB = 0; // Total number of B's.
   int numC = 0; // Number of C's.
   float averagePayout = 0.0;
   float highestPayout = 0.0;
   int counter = 0; // The number of times the program has ran.

   if(Length < 7500 || Length != -1)
  PayOut = 0.08 * Length;
   else if(Length < 8000)
  PayOut = 600;
   else if(Length < 17500)
  PayOut = 0.075 * Length;
   else if(Length < 19000)
  PayOut = 1313;
  PayOut = 0.07 * Length;

   if (AuthorLevel == 'A' || AuthorLevel == 'a')
      PayOut = 1.75 * PayOut;
   else if(AuthorLevel == 'B' || AuthorLevel == 'b')
      PayOut = 1.25 * PayOut;
   else if (AuthorLevel == 'C' || AuthorLevel == 'c')
      PayOut = 1.00 * PayOut;
      cout << "That was not a valid input. Please try again." << endl;

   cout << "The amount the author will make from the story will be: $" << PayOut;
   cout << endl << endl;
   cout << "The number of payments calculated is: " << counter << endl;
   cout << "The number of A's inputted: " << numA << endl;
   cout << "The number of B's inputted: " << numB << endl;
   cout << "The number of C's inputted: " << numC << endl;

   // FIXME
   averagePayout = (averagePayout += PayOut) / counter;
   // FIXME

   if(highestPayout < PayOut)
      highestPayout = PayOut;
   else if(highestPayout > PayOut)
      highestPayout = highestPayout;
   cout << "The highest payout so far has been: $" << highestPayout << endl;
   cout << "The average payout is: $" << averagePayout << endl << endl;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于某种原因,您可以定义两次变量(平均值和计数值)的变量 - 一次在main,另一次在computePay。你在一个循环中调用computePay,每次调用它时,其中的所有变量都用零重新初始化,因此你不能累积任何东西。有两种方法可以解决这个问题:

  1. 将变量从main传递到computePay作为参考:

    int computePay(int& Length, char& AuthorLevel, int &averagePayout, int &highestPayout, <...>);
    //call it from main like:
    computePay(Length, AuthorLevel, averagePayout, highestPayout, <...>);
  2. 在函数内部设置变量static - 这将使它们在函数调用之间保持其值

    int computePay(int& Length, char& AuthorLevel)
       float PayOut;        // The final payout.
       static int numA = 0; // Number of A's that have been printed.
       static int numB = 0; // Total number of B's.