var data = {"name":"Percentage","data":[50,28,150,125,34,75]};
var categories = [<?php echo join($nama_tugas, ",") ?>];
$i = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_detail_tugas WHERE kode_mapel='$km' AND nip ='$nip'");
while ($u = mysql_fetch_assoc($i)) {
$d = $u['detail_id'];
echo $d ;
$a = mysql_query("SELECT AVG(nilai) AS jum FROM tbl_nilai WHERE tbl_nilai.detail_id = $d");
while ($t = mysql_fetch_array($a)) {
echo $t['jum'];
$k[] = $t['jum'];
$aa = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_detail_tugas WHERE kode_mapel='$km' AND nip ='$nip'");
while ($uu = mysql_fetch_array($aa)) {
$dd = $uu['detail_id'];
$nama_tugas = $$uu['nama_tugas'];
$ii = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_nilai WHERE tbl_nilai.detail_id = $dd AND nis ='$id'");
while ($tt = mysql_fetch_array($ii)) {
echo $tt['jum'];
$kk[] = $tt['nilai'];
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title: {
text: 'Nilai Tugas & Nilai Rata-rata <?php echo $km ?>'
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text: 'Sumber: SMK N2 Merangin'
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