PowerShell - 用户的会员和所有者状态

时间:2015-10-08 16:58:37

标签: powershell csv

所以我写了一个脚本,我认为它过于复杂,如果它按照我的意愿行事会很好。顺便说一句,这是在PowerShell v2中。我仍然试图让这家公司至少使用v4。


$Path = Get-ScriptDirectory

$Date = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')

$Domain = Get-ADDomain | select -ExpandProperty NetBIOSName

$Username = Read-Host "Input User ID"

$Filename = "$Path\$Domain" + "_" + $Username + "_Groups_" + $Date + ".csv"

$GetContent1 = "$Path" + "GetContent1.csv"

$GetContent2 = "$Path" + "GetContent2.csv"

$Memberships = "$Path\$Domain" + "_" + $Username + "_Memberships_" + $DATE 
+ ".csv"

$Ownerships = "$Path\$Domain" + "_" + $Username + "_Ownerships_" + $DATE + ".csv"

$LastFile = "$Path\$Domain" + "_" + $Username + "_Group_Status_" + $DATE + ".csv"

$Owner = Get-AdGroup -Filter {ManagedBy -eq $Username} -Properties samAccountName | select -expandproperty samAccountName
$o = get-aduser -filter { CN -eq $Username } -properties DisplayName, memberof

Get-ADUser $Username -Properties Memberof | %{$_.memberof} | %{get-adgroup $_ | select name} | Export-Csv $GetContent1 -NoTypeInformation

Get-AdGroup -Filter {ManagedBy -eq $Username} -Properties samAccountName | %{$_.samAccountName} | %{get-adgroup $_ | select name} | Export-Csv $GetContent2 -NoTypeInformation

$o | select DisplayName, samaccountname, @{name="MemberOf";expression={($_.MemberOf | ForEach { (Get-ADGroup $_).Name }) -join "`n"}}, @{N='Groups Owned';Expression={$Owner -join "`n"}}| Out-GridView

import-csv $GetContent1  | select -Property @{name="MemberOf";expression={$($_.name)}}| Export-Csv $Memberships -NoTypeInformation

import-csv $GetContent2  | select -Property @{name="Owns";expression={$($_.name)}}| Export-Csv $Ownerships -NoTypeInformation

$filea = import-csv $Memberships
$fileb = import-csv $Ownerships

for($i=0;$i -lt $filea.count;$i++){
    $filea[$i] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Owns -Value $fileb[$i].Owns

$filea | export-csv $LastFile -NoTypeInformation




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


# Set the output file
$file = "C:\temp\test.csv"

#$username = Read-Host -Prompt "Type in a username:"
$groupMemberships = Get-ADUser $Username -Properties Memberof | Select -ExpandProperty memberof | ForEach-Object{Get-ADGroup $_} | Select -ExpandProperty Name
$groupsManaged = Get-AdGroup -Filter {ManagedBy -eq $Username} | ForEach-Object{Get-ADGroup $_} | Select -ExpandProperty Name

# Calculate the longest entry. 
$maxEntries = $groupMemberships.count, $groupsManaged.count | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum

# Build the output lines and just use Set-Content since we are not using object that Export-CSV would enjoy. 

# Create the header
'"Username","MemberOf","ManagedBy"' | Set-Content $file

# Create the first entry outside the loop since it is special as the only one with username
'"{0}","{1}","{2}"' -f $Username,$groupMemberships[0],$groupsManaged[1] | Add-Content $file

# Arrays are zero based so we adjust the count for that and for skipping the first line.
1..($maxEntries - 1) | ForEach-Object{
    '"","{0}","{1}"' -f $groupMemberships[$_],$groupsManaged[$_] | Add-Content $file
