在Processing.js mousePressed()函数中无法访问数组

时间:2015-10-08 07:14:58

标签: processing processing.js

我正在使用Processing 3.0b5来开发适用于网络的动画。作为这个动画的一部分,我创建一个自定义类,然后创建该类的对象数组。这些对象恰好是矩形。




//Global Vars
float canvasWidth = 700; //don't use this line in website version
float canvasHeight = 500; //don't use on website version
int numElem = 250;
int numBins = 18;
int j = 0;  //draw loop counter
int yTravTime = 200;  // the number of iterations until elements reach their final y position
float[] binElem = new float[numBins+1];
Element[] elem = new Element[numElem];

//for buttons and color
int reButton = 100;

//for histogram collapse and expand
boolean clicked = false;
boolean fin = false; //has the histogram reached its final position once?
int clickcounter = 0;

void setup() {
size(700, 500);
for (int i = 0; i < numElem; i++) {
int bin = 10 + round(constrain(randomGaussian() * 3, -9, 9)); //determines bin of each element
elem[i] = new Element(color(255, 10), round(bin * canvasWidth / numBins) - canvasWidth / (2 * numBins), -1000*i/numElem, bin, 0, binElem[bin-1]); //creates each element

void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < numElem; i++) {
  j += 1;

void mousePressed() {
clicked = !clicked;
//println("clicked= " + str(clicked));
clickcounter += 1;

float reButtonXl = elem[reButton].xpos - elem[reButton].elemW/2;
float reButtonXr = elem[reButton].xpos + elem[reButton].elemW/2;
float reButtonYt = elem[reButton].yposFinal; //this works, but I don't really know why.  Since drawing rectangles in "center" mode, I would think I need to subtract off 1/2 of the height
float reButtonYb = elem[reButton].yposFinal + (elem[reButton].elemH)*2; //this works, but shouldn't.  Should need to add 1/2 the height
if (clicked) {
println("mouseX =" + str(mouseX));
println("mouseY =" + str(mouseY));
println("reButtonYb =" + str(elem[reButton].yposFinal + elem[reButton].elemH/2));
println("reButtonYt =" + str(elem[reButton].yposFinal - elem[reButton].elemH/2));
println("elemH = " + str(elem[reButton].elemH));
println("yposFinal = " + str(elem[reButton].yposFinal));

if (mouseX >= reButtonXl && mouseX <= reButtonXr && mouseY <= reButtonYb && mouseY >= reButtonYt) {
  println("target clicked");
  j = 0;  //draw loop counter
  binElem = new float[numBins+1];
  Element[] elem = new Element[numElem];

  //for histogram collapse and expand
  clicked = false;
  fin = false; //has the histogram reached its final position once?
  clickcounter = 0;

class Element {
float elemW = canvasWidth / numBins - numBins * 0.1;
float elemH = 5.0;
color c;
float xpos;
float ypos;
float yposFinal;
int eBin;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
float binElem;
float spacing = 0.4*elemH;
//The Constructor
Element(color c_, float xposInit_, float yposInit_, int eBin_, float xspeed_, float binElem_) {
  c = c_;
  xpos = xposInit_;
  ypos = yposInit_;
  eBin = eBin_;
  binElem = binElem_;
  yposFinal = canvasHeight - binElem * (elemH+spacing) + elemH/2;
  xspeed = xspeed_;
  yspeed = (canvasHeight-yposInit_+canvasHeight-yposFinal)/yTravTime;

void display(int i) {
  // Logic for blinking element.  Only blinks when histogram has not been collapsed by clicking
  // and if all elements are in their final position and the time or iteration constraint is met.
  // would be best if iteration rather than time constraint since that is how movement is controlled.
  if (ypos==yposFinal && millis() > 6000 && i == reButton){
    fill(#6086ED, 200 + (55*sin(millis()/600.0)));
  } else {
  rect(xpos, ypos, elemW, elemH);

void move() {

  xpos += xspeed;
  // Execute once clicked to collapse histogram. Fin is boolean indicator that the histogram was completed at least once
  if (clicked && fin){ 
    yspeed = 0.1*(canvasHeight-elemH-ypos);
    if (canvasHeight - elemH - ypos > 1) {
      ypos += yspeed;
      //println("1st IF, 1st sub condition");
    } else {
      ypos = canvasHeight - elemH;
      //println("1st IF, 2nd sub condition");
    //Logic for re-expanding the collapsed histogram
  } else if(clickcounter > 0 && abs(ypos - yposFinal) > 1.0) {
    yspeed = -0.1 * (ypos - yposFinal);
    ypos += yspeed;
    //Logic for stationary re-expanded histogram
  } else if(clickcounter > 0 && abs(ypos - yposFinal) < 1.0) {
    yspeed = 0;
    ypos = yposFinal;
    // create the bounce effect
  } else if(ypos > canvasHeight - elemH / 2) { 
    yspeed = -yspeed;
    ypos += yspeed;
    //println("3rd IF");
    // keep elements moving upwards after the bounce
  } else if (ypos > yposFinal && yspeed < 0) {
    ypos += yspeed;
    //println("4th IF");
    // move elements into final hisotgram position
  } else if (ypos < yposFinal && yspeed < 0) {
    ypos = yposFinal;
    yspeed = 0;
    fin = true;
    //println("5th IF");
  } else {
    ypos += yspeed;
    //println("6th IF");

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