
时间:2015-10-07 23:08:32

标签: r data.table dplyr plyr reshape2


ID <- c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B")
TARG_AVG <- c(2.1,2.1,2.1,2.1,2.1,2.1,2.3,2.3,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,3.1,3.1,3.1,3.1,3.3,3.3,3.3,3.3,3.5,3.5)
Measurement <- c("Len","Len","Len","Wid","Ht","Ht","Dep","Brt","Ht","Ht","Dep","Dep"
df1 <- data.frame(ID,TARG_AVG,Measurement)


1)我想得到(ID&amp; TARG_AVG)分组有多少独特测量的摘要。我目前正在这样做

unique <- summaryBy(Measurement~ID+TARG_AVG, data=df1, FUN=function(x) { c(Count=length(x)) } ) 

这给了我总数(measurement.count),但我也想要每次测量的计数。 我想要的输出

  ID TARG_AVG Len Wid Ht Dep Brt Measurement.Count
1  A      2.1   3   1  2   0   0                 6
2  A      2.3   0   0  0   1   1                 2
3  A      2.5   0   0  2   2   0                 4
4  B      3.1   2   0  0   2   0                 4
5  B      3.3   0   0  2   0   2                 4
6  B      3.5   0   2  0   0   0                 2

2)一旦我得到上面的输出,我想对行进行子集化,以便得到一个过滤后的输出,该输出返回至少具有2个测量值的行&gt; 2 。这里我想要的输出将是

  ID TARG_AVG Len Wid Ht Dep Brt Measurement.Count
1  A      2.1   3   1  2   0   0                 6
3  A      2.5   0   0  2   2   0                 4
4  B      3.1   2   0  0   2   0                 4
5  B      3.3   0   0  2   0   2                 4

3)最后,我想将列转回到行中,仅测量&gt; 2 即可。 我想要的输出在这里

      ID TARG_AVG Measurement
    1  A      2.1   Len   
    2  A      2.1   Len   
    3  A      2.1   Len   
    4  A      2.1   Ht   
    5  A      2.1   Ht   
    6  A      2.5   Ht   
    7  A      2.5   Ht   
    8  A      2.5   Dep  
    9  A      2.5   Dep  
   10  B      3.1   Len  
   11  B      3.1   Len  
   12  B      3.1   Dep 
   13  B      3.1   Dep
   14  B      3.3   Ht 
   15  B      3.3   Ht 
   16  B      3.3   Brt 
   17  B      3.3   Brt 

我正在学习reshape2,dplyr&amp; data.table包目前是非常有用的,如果有人通过指向我正确的方向帮助我解决这个问题。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


library(data.table) #v 1.9.6+
setDT(df1)[, indx := .N, by = names(df1)
           ][indx > 1, if(uniqueN(Measurement) > 1) .SD, by = .(ID, TARG_AVG)]
#     ID TARG_AVG Measurement indx
#  1:  A      2.1         Len    3
#  2:  A      2.1         Len    3
#  3:  A      2.1         Len    3
#  4:  A      2.1          Ht    2
#  5:  A      2.1          Ht    2
#  6:  A      2.5          Ht    2
#  7:  A      2.5          Ht    2
#  8:  A      2.5         Dep    2
#  9:  A      2.5         Dep    2
# 10:  B      3.1         Dep    2
# 11:  B      3.1         Dep    2
# 12:  B      3.1         Len    2
# 13:  B      3.1         Len    2
# 14:  B      3.3          Ht    2
# 15:  B      3.3          Ht    2
# 16:  B      3.3         Brt    2
# 17:  B      3.3         Brt    2


df1 %>%
  group_by(ID, TARG_AVG, Measurement) %>%
  filter(n() > 1) %>%
  group_by(ID, TARG_AVG) %>%
  filter(n_distinct(Measurement) > 1)


## dcast the data (no need in total)
res <- dcast(df1, ID + TARG_AVG  ~ Measurement)
## filter by at least 2 incidents of at least length 2
res <- res[rowSums(res[-(1:2)] > 1) > 1,]
## melt the data back and filter again by at least 2 incidents
res <- melt(setDT(res), id = 1:2)[value > 1]
## Expand the data back
res[, .SD[rep(.I, value)]]





res <- dcast(df1, ID + TARG_AVG  ~ Measurement, margins = "Measurement")


res <- res[res$"(all)" > 2,]


setDT(df1)[, if(.N > 2) .SD, by = .(ID, TARG_AVG)]

答案 1 :(得分:1)


df2 <- df1 %>%
  group_by(ID, TARG_AVG) %>% # Group by ID and TARG_AVG
  mutate(count=n()) %>%      # Count how many are there for each combination of ID and TARG_AVG
  filter(count > 2) %>%      # Only keep the ones with more than 2 (I think you meant > 2)
  select(-count)             # Remove the auxiliary variable count


df2 <- df1 %>%
  group_by(ID, TARG_AVG) %>%
  filter(n() > 2)



ID <- c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B")
TARG_AVG <- c(2.1,2.1,2.1,2.1,2.1,2.1,2.3,2.3,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,3.1,3.1,3.1,3.1,3.3,3.3,3.3,3.3,3.5,3.5)
Measurement <- c("Len","Len","Len","Wid","Ht","Ht","Dep","Brt","Ht","Ht","Dep","Dep"
df0 <- data.frame(ID,TARG_AVG,Measurement)

步骤1&amp; 2.按测量次数和传播次数进行汇总,计数,过滤

df1 <- df0 %>%
  group_by(ID, TARG_AVG, Measurement) %>%
  summarise(count=n()) %>%
  group_by(ID, TARG_AVG) %>% # Step "2"
  filter(n() >= 2) %>%       # Step "2"
  spread(Measurement, count, fill = 0) %>% # Resume step "1"
  mutate(Measurement.count = Len + Wid + Ht + Dep + Brt)


df3 <- df2 %>%
  select(-Measurement.count) %>%
  gather(Measurement, dummy, Brt:Wid) %>%

答案 2 :(得分:1)


> cTbl[, N := .N, .(ID, TARG_AVG, Measurement)
      ][N > 1, NMgt1 := uniqueN(Measurement) > 1, .(ID, TARG_AVG)
      ][N > 1 & NMgt1
      ][, c('N', 'NMgt1') := NULL

    ID TARG_AVG Measurement
 1:  A      2.1         Len
 2:  A      2.1         Len
 3:  A      2.1         Len
 4:  A      2.1          Ht
 5:  A      2.1          Ht
 6:  A      2.5          Ht
 7:  A      2.5          Ht
 8:  A      2.5         Dep
 9:  A      2.5         Dep
10:  B      3.1         Dep
11:  B      3.1         Dep
12:  B      3.1         Len
13:  B      3.1         Len
14:  B      3.3          Ht
15:  B      3.3          Ht
16:  B      3.3         Brt
17:  B      3.3         Brt