
时间:2015-10-07 18:47:22

标签: javascript jquery responsive-design scrollmagic enquire.js

当Enquire.js不匹配时,破坏场景的正确代码是什么? 我一直在浏览ScrollMagic.js文档而没有太多运气:http://scrollmagic.io/examples/expert/removing_and_destroying.html

   var $headerMobile = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
                  triggerElement: "#main-header-mobile", // point of execution
                  duration: 0,
                  triggerHook: 0, // don't trigger until #pinned-trigger1 hits the top of the viewport
                  reverse: true // allows the effect to trigger when scrolled in the reverse direction

    enquire.register("screen and (max-width: 479px)", {
            match : function() {
                $headerMobile.setPin("#main-header-mobile") // the element we want to pin
            unmatch : function() {



Uncaught TypeError: a.destroy is not a function

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