
时间:2015-10-07 18:07:40

标签: python django datetime timezone


def roundTime(dt=None, dateDelta=timedelta(minutes=1)):
    """Round a datetime object to a multiple of a timedelta
    dt : datetime.datetime object, default now.
    dateDelta : timedelta object, we round to a multiple of this, default 1 minute.
    Author: Thierry Husson 2012 - Use it as you want but don't blame me.
            Stijn Nevens 2014 - Changed to use only datetime objects as variables
    roundTo = dateDelta.total_seconds()

    if dt == None:
        dt = datetime.now()
    seconds = (dt - dt.min).seconds
    # // is a floor division, not a comment on following line:
    rounding = (seconds+roundTo/2) // roundTo * roundTo
    return dt + timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)


mytime = roundTime(datetime.now(),timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime('%H:%M:%S') #works OK
mytime = datetime.strptime(str(mytime), '%H:%M:%S') #works OK
mytime = timezone.localtime(mytime) 





local_time = timezone.localtime(timezone.now()) 


mytime = roundTime(local_time,timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime('%H:%M:%S') 



mytime = timezone.localtime(timezone.now())
mytime = datetime.strftime(mytime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
mytime = datetime.strptime(str(mytime), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
mytime = roundTime(mytime,timedelta(minutes=15)).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
mytime = datetime.strptime(str(mytime), '%H:%M:%S')


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您正在使用的roundTime功能不适用于时区感知日期。 为了支持它,您可以像这样修改它:

def roundTime(dt=None, dateDelta=timedelta(minutes=1)):
    """Round a datetime object to a multiple of a timedelta
    dt : datetime.datetime object, default now.
    dateDelta : timedelta object, we round to a multiple of this, default 1 minute.
    Author: Thierry Husson 2012 - Use it as you want but don't blame me.
            Stijn Nevens 2014 - Changed to use only datetime objects as variables
    roundTo = dateDelta.total_seconds()

    if dt == None : 
        dt = datetime.now()
    #Make sure dt and datetime.min have the same timezone
    tzmin = dt.min.replace(tzinfo=dt.tzinfo)

    seconds = (dt - tzmin).seconds
    # // is a floor division, not a comment on following line:
    rounding = (seconds+roundTo/2) // roundTo * roundTo
    return dt + timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)

这样,该功能适用​​于天真和TZ感知日期。 然后你可以继续第二次尝试:

local_time = timezone.localtime(timezone.now()) 
mytime = roundTime(local_time, timedelta(minutes=15))

答案 1 :(得分:2)

要围绕时区感知日期时间对象make it a naive datetime object, round it, and attach the correct time zone info for the rounded time

from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils import timezone

def round_time(dt=None, delta=timedelta(minutes=1)):
    if dt is None:
        dt = timezone.localtime(timezone.now()) # assume USE_TZ=True
    tzinfo, is_dst = dt.tzinfo, bool(dt.dst())
    dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None)
    f = delta.total_seconds()
    rounded_ordinal_seconds = f * round((dt - dt.min).total_seconds() / f)
    rounded_dt = dt.min + timedelta(seconds=rounded_ordinal_seconds)
    localize = getattr(tzinfo, 'localize', None)
    if localize:
        rounded_dt = localize(rounded_dt, is_dst=is_dst)
        rounded_dt = rounded_dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
    return rounded_dt



>>> round_time(delta=timedelta(minutes=15))