我正在尝试使用MPI在C中编写有限卷解算器,并且似乎无法使用MPI_Send和MPI_Recv正确传递数组。我需要所有工作人员对他们的数组部分进行一些计算,然后将该子数组发送回主数据库以将子数组重新组合在一起,并将近似值与已知解决方案进行比较。 fvm求解器和代码的结构是正确的,我已经根据已知的解决方案检查了串行代码。下面是我尝试将子数组传递回master并在master中接收它们的代码。我已经使用mpi支持配置了Valgrind,并且memcheck工具不喜欢send_output_MPI函数中的分配。这与我尝试运行程序时会发生什么一致。 Mpiexec中止信号代码:6。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fvm.h"
#include "lab_mpi.h"
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
double tt0, tt1;
// MPI variables
int ierr; // MPI error flag
int nProc, nWrs, myID, rc;
//-------------Start MPI------------------
rc = MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
if ( rc != MPI_SUCCESS ) {
printf( "Error starting MPI program. Terminating.\n" );
ierr = MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProc );
assert( !ierr );
ierr = MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myID );
assert( !ierr );
nWrs = nProc - 1;
assert( nWrs == nProc - 1 );
if ( myID == MASTER ) {
tt0 = MPI_Wtime( );
master( nWrs, myID );
tt1 = MPI_Wtime();
printf(" Main MR timing = %lf sec on %i workers.\n", tt1 - tt0, nWrs );
} else {
ierr = worker( nWrs, myID );
printf(" Worker %i exiting; ierr = %i\n", myID, ierr );
if ( ierr != 0 )
printf(" Worker %i exiting with ierr = %i\n", myID, ierr );
//---------------End MPI-------------------------
ierr = MPI_Finalize( );
assert( !ierr );
/* master MPI function
* reads input file, packs ints and doubles into arrays, then
* broadcasts
* receives output from workers at t = tout
int master( int nWrs, int master )
unsigned int i = 0;
int Mx; // M/nWrks gives domain decomposition
double t = 0.0;
char buffer[50];
int M, MM;
unsigned int N_max;
double t0, t_end, dt_out, a, b, factor, D, dx, dt, t_out, dt_expl, mu;
double* x_vals;
double* U;
//----MPI variables-----
int numInts = 2;
int numDbls = 6;
int ierr, nProc, myID, rc;
int *intParams;
double *dblParams;
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);
fscanf(stdin, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %i",
&t0, &t_end, &dt_out, &a, &b, &factor, &D, &MM);
printf("t0: %lf t end: %lf Number of CVs: %i Factor: %3.2lf\n",
t0, t_end, MM, factor);
M = (b - a) * MM;
dx = (double)(b - a)/M;
dt_expl = (dx * dx)/(2 * D);
dt = factor * dt_expl;
N_max = (unsigned int)((t_end - t0)/dt + 1);
t_out = max(dt_out, dt);
mu = dt/dx;
x_vals = ( double* ) calloc((M + 2), sizeof(double));
U = ( double* ) calloc((M + 2), sizeof(double));
xMesh( a, b, M, x_vals );
intParams = ( int* ) malloc(( numInts ) * sizeof( int ));
dblParams = ( double* ) malloc(( numDbls ) * sizeof( double ));
// Pack arrays of variables to broadcast
intParams[0] = N_max;
intParams[1] = M;
dblParams[0] = D;
dblParams[1] = t_out;
dblParams[2] = dt_out;
dblParams[3] = dt;
dblParams[4] = a;
dblParams[5] = b;
ierr = MPI_Bcast( intParams, numInts, MPI_INT, MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
assert( !ierr );
ierr = MPI_Bcast( dblParams, numDbls, MPI_DOUBLE, MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
assert( !ierr );
// begin timestepping
for (i = 1; i <= N_max; i++) {
// sent to workers
// flux( F, U, M, dx, D, t);
// pde( F, U, M, D, mu, t, b );
ierr = MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
assert( !ierr );
t = i * dt;
if ( t >= t_out ) {
recv_output_MPI( nWrs, M, U );
printf( "\nProfile at time: %lf, N-step: %u\n", t, i );
compare( U, x_vals, M, D, t );
t_out += dt_out;
printf( "\nDone at time: %.6lf and Nsteps: %u\n\n", t, i );
free( intParams );
free( dblParams );
free( U );
free( x_vals );
ierr = MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
return ierr;
/* Tasks of WORKER:
1. Unpack initial iparms and parms arrays, local Mz = Mz / nWRs
2. Exchange "boundary" values with neighbors
3. Do timestepping computation
4. Send output to MR every dtout
int worker( int nWrs, int Me )
double t = 0.0;
unsigned int i;
int ierr;
int nodeLHS, nodeRHS;
int numInts = 2;
int numDbls = 6;
int* intParams;
double* dblParams;
int N_max, M;
double D, tout, dt_out, dt, a, b, mu, dx;
double* U;
double* F;
double* x_vals;
intParams = ( int* ) malloc(( numInts ) * sizeof( int ));
dblParams = ( double* ) malloc(( numDbls ) * sizeof( double ));
ierr = MPI_Bcast( intParams, numInts, MPI_INT, MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
assert( !ierr );
ierr = MPI_Bcast( dblParams, numDbls, MPI_DOUBLE, MASTER, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
assert( !ierr );
N_max = intParams[0];
M = intParams[1];
D = dblParams[0];
tout = dblParams[1];
dt_out = dblParams[2];
dt = dblParams[3];
a = dblParams[4];
b = dblParams[5];
mu = (M * dt)/(b - a);
dx = (double)(b - a)/M;
x_vals = calloc((M + 2), sizeof(double));
U = calloc((M + 2), sizeof(double));
F = calloc((M + 2), sizeof(double));
xMesh( a, b, M, x_vals );
init( M, U ); //set u(a) = 1, u(b) = 0
for ( i = 1; i <=N_max; i++ ) {
ierr = MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
assert( !ierr );
t = i * dt;
// flux( nWrs, Me, F, U, M, dx, D, t );
// pde( nWrs, Me, F, U, M, D, mu, t, b );
if (t >= tout) {
send_output_MPI( nWrs, Me, M, U );
tout += dt_out;
free ( intParams );
free ( dblParams );
deleteMem ( U, F, x_vals );
ierr = MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
return ierr;
// only done by master
void recv_output_MPI( int nWrs, int M, double* U )
int Ime;
unsigned int i, source;
unsigned int msgtag = 1000;
int ierr, offset;
int chunkSize = (M + 2)/nWrs;
unsigned int end;
double* tmp;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Datatype Mytype;
ierr = MPI_Type_contiguous( chunkSize, MPI_DOUBLE, &Mytype );
assert ( !ierr );
ierr = MPI_Type_commit( &Mytype );
assert ( !ierr );
for ( i = 1; i <= nWrs; i++ ) {
source = i;
msgtag = i * msgtag;
offset = (i - 1) * chunkSize;
end = i * chunkSize;
tmp = ( double* ) malloc(( chunkSize ) * sizeof( double ));
ierr = MPI_Recv( &offset, 1, MPI_INT, source, msgtag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
ierr = MPI_Recv( tmp, chunkSize, MPI_DOUBLE, source, msgtag+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
assert ( !ierr );
for ( i = offset; i < end; i++ ){
U[i] = tmp[i];
ierr = MPI_Type_free( &Mytype );
assert ( !ierr );
free( tmp );
void send_output_MPI( int nWrs, int Me, int M, double* U )//TODO:fix
int ierr, msgtag, i;
int start = (Me - 1) * (M/nWrs)+1;
int chunkSize = (M + 2)/nWrs;
unsigned int offset = ( Me - 1 ) * chunkSize;
unsigned int end = Me * chunkSize;
double* sendVals = calloc( chunkSize, sizeof( double ));
assert( sendVals != NULL );
MPI_Datatype Mytype;
ierr = MPI_Type_contiguous( chunkSize, MPI_DOUBLE, &Mytype );
assert ( !ierr );
ierr = MPI_Type_commit( &Mytype );
assert ( !ierr );
msgtag = Me * 1000;
ierr = MPI_Send( &offset, 1, MPI_INT, MASTER, msgtag, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
// memcpy( &sendVals[0], &U[offset], chunkSize * sizeof( double ));
// send part of the U array
ierr = MPI_Send( sendVals, chunkSize, Mytype, MASTER, msgtag+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
assert( !ierr );
ierr = MPI_Type_free( &Mytype );
assert ( !ierr );
free( sendVals );
/* produces nodal values for x-array
takes interval endpoints [a,b] as double and
M as number of nodal values
returns pointer to x-array
precondition: x-array allocated in main,
postcondition: x-array populated in main
void xMesh( double a, double b, int M, double* x )
unsigned int i;
double dx = (b - a)/M;
x[0] = a;
for (i = 1; i < M+1; i++)
x[i] = a + (i - 0.5)*dx;
x[M + 1] = b;
/* function: init
* takes: endpoints, a and b, x-array and pde struct
* returns: nothing
* precondition: U and x array initialized, x-array defined
* postcondition: u_init set in U array
void init( int M, double* U )
U[0] = 1.0;
U[M+1] = 0.0;
void deleteMem( double* F, double* U, double* x )
free( F );
free( U );
free( x );
/* function: compare - compares numerical approximation against the
* closed-form solution
* params: U - pointer to u array
x - pointer to x (spatial) array
M - array size
D - diffusion coefficient
t - time
precondition: arrays initialized and containing values
postcondition: file 'plot.out' appended with values for plotting
void compare( double* U, double* x, int M, double D, double t )
unsigned int j;
double error, u_exact;
double err_max = 0.0;
double val = 2.0 * sqrt( D * t );
for ( j = 0; j < M+2; j++ ) {
u_exact = erfc( x[j]/val );
error = fabs( u_exact - U[j] );
fprintf( stdout, "%10.8lf\t%18.16lf\t%18.16lf\n", x[j], U[j], u_exact );
err_max = max( error, err_max );
t0 tEnd dtout a b factor D MM
0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.9 0.1 8
答案 0 :(得分:0)
/ MPI_Recv
ierr = MPI_Send(sendVals, chunkSize, MPI_DOUBLE, MASTER, msgtag+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
ierr = MPI_Send(sendVals, 1, Mytype, MASTER, msgtag+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
void send_output_MPI( int nWrs, int Me, int M, double* U )
int ierr, msgtag, i;
int start = (Me - 1) * (M/nWrs)+1;
int chunkSize = (M + 2)/nWrs;
unsigned int offset = ( Me - 1 ) * chunkSize;
msgtag = Me * 1000;
// send part of the U array
ierr = MPI_Send( &U[offset], chunkSize, MPI_DOUBLE, MASTER, msgtag+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
// only done by master
void recv_output_MPI( int nWrs, int M, double* U )
unsigned int i, source;
unsigned int msgtag = 1000;
int ierr, offset;
int chunkSize = (M + 2)/nWrs;
MPI_Status status;
for ( i = 1; i <= nWrs; i++ ) {
source = i;
msgtag = i * msgtag;
offset = (i - 1)*chunkSize;
ierr = MPI_Recv( &U[offset], chunkSize, MPI_DOUBLE, source, msgtag+1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
,则无需发送。{p>如果你无法计算它,那么你将不得不执行你之前的两个发送/ recv。此外,如果可以将它们直接放入U