
时间:2015-10-07 09:52:39

标签: android cordova phonegap-plugins phonegap-pushplugin

Hy iam使用手机缺口5.0 CLI,我正在为Android 5.0开发应用程序,API级别为22 Js技术是jquery。

  1. 我正在为Android平台构建并在我的设备上进行测试
  2. 我在电脑上使用Windows 7
  3. 软件

    1. CLI,Eclipse和android
    2. 问题是手机间隙推送插件无法正常工作 我面临的确切错误是:

      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564): Uncaught Type Error: Object function (options) {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     this._handlers = {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         'registration': [],
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         'notification': [],
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         'error': []
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     };
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     // require options parameter
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     if (type of options === 'undefined') {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         throw new Error('The options argument is required.');
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     }
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     // store the options to this object instance
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     this.options = options;
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     // triggered on registration and notification
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     var that = this;
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     var success = function(result) {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         if (result && type of result.registration Id !== 'undefined') {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):             that.emit('registration', result);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         } else if (result && type of result.callback !== 'undefined') {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):             var multifunctional = function(function Name, context /*, args */) {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):                 var args =
      arguments, 2);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):                 var namespaces = function Name.split(".");
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):                 var func = namespaces.pop();
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):                 for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):                     context = context[namespaces[i]];
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):                 }
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):                 return context[func].apply(context, args);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):             }
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):            
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):             executeFunctionByName(result.callback, window, result);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         } else if (result) {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):             that.emit('notification', result);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         }
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     };
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     // triggered on error
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     var fail = function(msg) {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         var e = (typeof msg === 'string') ? new Error(msg) : msg;
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         that.emit('error', e);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     };
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     // wait at least one process tick to allow event subscriptions
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     setTimeout(function() {
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):         exec(success, fail, 'PushNotification', 'init', [options]);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564):     }, 10);
      10-07 13:01:14.282: E/Web Console(9564): } has no method 'init' at file:///android_asset/www/js/Module.js:8
      10-07 13:01:14.392: D/TilesManager(9564): Starting TG #0, 0x5f73f420
      10-07 13:01:14.392: D/TilesManager(9564): new EGLContext from framework: 5e306a90
      10-07 13:01:14.392: D/GLWebViewState(9564): Reinit shader
      10-07 13:01:14.442: D/netstack(9564): netstack: Request Priority is ON
      10-07 13:01:14.462: D/chromium(9564): Unknown chromium error: -6
      10-07 13:01:14.532: D/GLWebViewState(9564): Reinit transferQueue
      10-07 13:01:14.542: E/Web Console(9564): Uncaught Error: Module phonegap-plugin-push.PushNotification does not exist. at file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js:1418
      10-07 13:01:18.742: I/Web Console(9564): device Ready has not fired after 5 seconds. at file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js:1183
      10-07 13:01:18.742: I/Web Console(9564): Channel not fired: onPluginsReady at file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js:1176
      10-07 13:01:18.742: I/Web Console(9564): Channel not fired: onCordovaReady at file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js:1176
      can any one please help me to solve this problem
      thanks in advance to help me 

      任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题  Hy iam使用手机缺口5.0 CLI和我正在为Android 5.0开发应用程序API级别22 Js技术是jquery我正在为Android平台构建并在我的设备上测试我在我的PC上使用Windows 7软件是CLI, Eclipse和android的问题在于手机间隙推送插件无法正常工作。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

从log&#39;模块phonegap-plugin-push.PushNotification不存在&#39;,显然Phonegap推送插件没有正确安装,因此推送通知对象未定义或可能在您的代码中出现一些语法或编译错误,因为通常在javascript中由于任何语法错误而发生,代码低于它失败。 github上有一个当前有效的Phonegap Push Plugin,可以在包括Nougat在内的所有Android Api级别上正常工作。注册推送通知对象,如下所示:

var push = PushNotification.init({
            android: {
                senderID: "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
            ios: {
                alert: "true",
                badge: "true",
                sound: "true",

    push.on('registration', function(data) {

    push.on('notification', function(data) {
        console.log("notification event");

    push.on('error', function(e) {
        console.log("push error");

function registerDeviceToken(deviceToken){
//Register the registrationId or deviceToken to your server as per the webservice type and parameters configuration set

请务必在&#39; DeviceReady &#39;之后调用上述代码。事件被解雇了。


            android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

            android:exported="true" />

        <receiver android:name="com.adobe.phonegap.push.BackgroundActionButtonHandler" />
                <action android:name="" />
                <category android:name="yourPackageName" />

                <action android:name="" />
                <action android:name="" />
            android:exported="false" />
        android:protectionLevel="signature" />

    <uses-permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"  />

    <uses-permission android:name="" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="" />



答案 1 :(得分:-1)
