为什么http可以正常工作,但是http post没有?

时间:2015-10-06 13:54:49

标签: angularjs


在我的角度js代码中,http put工作,我可以编辑现有记录



CreateController.Save function fired!!!
WebMarkService.js:30 Create Service fired!!!
WebMarkService.js:31 Name is test!!!
WebMarkService.js:32 Label is test!!!
WebMarkService.js:33 NavigateUrl is test!!!
WebMarkService.js:34 WebMark is [object Object]!!!
angular.js:10695 POST http://localhost:29830/api/WebMarks/[object%20Object] net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED(anonymous function) @ angular.js:10695sendReq @ angular.js:10514status.$get.serverRequest @ angular.js:10221processQueue @ angular.js:14678(anonymous function) @ angular.js:14694parent.$get.Scope.$eval @ angular.js:15922parent.$get.Scope.$digest @ angular.js:15733parent.$get.Scope.$apply @ angular.js:16030(anonymous function) @ angular.js:23486x.event.dispatch @ jquery-2.0.3.min.js:5x.event.add.y.handle @ jquery-2.0.3.min.js:5
WebMarkCreateController.js:37 -1

我在visual studio的调试器中有它,所以我可以看到连接被拒绝的原因。



// PUT: api/WebMarks/5
public IHttpActionResult PutWebMark( int id, WebMark webMark )

// POST: api/WebMarks
[ResponseType( typeof( WebMark ) )]
public IHttpActionResult PostWebMark( WebMark webMark )


// add a service to the application module

function( app ) 
    var WebMarkService = function( $http, webMarksApiUrl )
        var getAll = function ()
            return $http.get( webMarksApiUrl + "WebMarks/" );

    var getById = function( id )
        return $http.get( webMarksApiUrl + "WebMarks/" + id );

    var update = function( webMark )//<-- works
        console.log( "Update Service fired!!!" );
        console.log( "Name is " + webMark.WebMarkName + "!!!" );

        $http.defaults.headers.put[ "Content-Type" ] = "application/json"; // WORKING
        return $http.put( webMarksApiUrl + "WebMarks/" + webMark.WebMarkID, webMark );

    var create = function( webMark ) //<-- does not work???
        console.log( "Create Service fired!!!" );
        console.log( "Name is " + webMark.WebMarkName + "!!!" );
        console.log( "Label is " + webMark.WebMarkLabel + "!!!" );
        console.log( "NavigateUrl is " + webMark.WebMarkNavigateUrl + "!!!" );
        console.log( "WebMark is " + webMark + "!!!" );

        $http.defaults.headers.post[ "Content-Type" ] = "application/json"; //NOT WORKING
        return $http.post( webMarksApiUrl + "WebMarks/" + webMark );

    var destroy = function( webMark )
        console.log( "Destroy Service fired!!!" );
        console.log( "Name is " + webMark.WebMarkName + "!!!" );

        webMark.WebMarkIsDeleted = true;

        return $http.delete( webMarksApiUrl + "WebMarks/" + webMark.WebMarkID, webMark );

    return { getAll: getAll, getById: getById, update: update, create: create, delete: destroy };

    app.factory( "WebMarkService", WebMarkService );
    } ( angular.module( "MyWebMarks" ) ) 

// ============================================= ==============================

    public static void RegisterRoutes( RouteCollection routes )
    routes.IgnoreRoute( "{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}" );

        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

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