Client Server tcp app不稳定

时间:2015-10-06 07:47:57

标签: c# .net tcp


  1. 用户在客户端中选择日期。
  2. 当他点击发送按钮时,客户端通过TCP将日期发送到服务器。
  3. 当服务器收到日期时,他会处理它们并返回到客户端csv 在字符串中。
  4. 当客户收到他将数据写入文件时。
  5. 继承我的代码: - 服务器部分:

    private void StartListen()
        server.Start(); // Starts Listening to Any IPAddress trying to connect to the program with port 1980
        new Thread(() => // Creates a New Thread (like a timer)
            client = server.AcceptTcpClient(); //Waits for the Client To Connect
            zapisiLog("klient se spojio");
            if(client.Connected) // If you are connected
                ServerReceive(); //Start Receiving
    public void ServerReceive()
        stream = client.GetStream(); //Gets The Stream of The Connection
        new Thread(() => // Thread (like Timer)
            while((i = stream.Read(datalength, 0, 4)) != 0)//Keeps Trying to Receive the Size of the Message or Data
                byte[] data = new byte[BitConverter.ToInt32(datalength, 0)]; // Creates a Byte for the data to be Received On
                stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); //Receives The Real Data not the Size
                this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate // To Write the Received data
                    String s = Encoding.Default.GetString(data); // Encoding.Default.GetString(data); Converts Bytes Received to String
                    string[] datumi = s.Split('_');
                    sd1 = datumi[0];
                    sd2 = datumi[1];
                    mstat = datumi[2];
                    DataSet dset = prikupi_podatke();
                    if(datumi[2] != "" & dset != null)
                        String zs = obradi(ref dset);
                        if(zs != "")
                            zapisiLog("Obrada podataka nije uspjela");
                        zapisiLog("Prikupljanje podataka nije uspjelo");
                        System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\codexExcel.log");
                            sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ";Prikupljanje podataka nije uspjelo");
        }).Start(); // Start the Thread


    public void spoji()
            client = new TcpClient(ip, 1980); //Trys to Connect
            ClientReceive(); //Starts Receiving When Connected
        catch(Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); // Error handler :D
    public void ClientSend(string msg)
        stream = client.GetStream(); //Gets The Stream of The Connection
        byte[] data; // creates a new byte without mentioning the size of it cuz its a byte used for sending
        data = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(msg); // put the msg in the byte ( it automaticly uses the size of the msg )
        int length = data.Length; // Gets the length of the byte data
        byte[] datalength = new byte[4]; // Creates a new byte with length of 4
        datalength = BitConverter.GetBytes(length); //put the length in a byte to send it
        stream.Write(datalength, 0, 4); // sends the data's length
        stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); //Sends the real data
    public void ClientReceive()
        string primljeno;
        stream = client.GetStream(); //Gets The Stream of The Connection
        new Thread(() => // Thread (like Timer)
            while((i = stream.Read(datalength, 0, 4)) != 0)//Keeps Trying to Receive the Size of the Message or Data
                // how to make a byte E.X byte[] examlpe = new byte[the size of the byte here] , i used BitConverter.ToInt32(datalength,0) cuz i received the length of the data in byte called datalength :D
                byte[] data = new byte[BitConverter.ToInt32(datalength, 0)]; // Creates a Byte for the data to be Received On
                stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); //Receives The Real Data not the Size
                this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate // To Write the Received data
                    primljeno = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); // Encoding.Default.GetString(data); Converts Bytes Received to String
                    if(primljeno != "")
                        //klijent pbrađuje
                        //obradi(ref primljeno);
                        //server obrađuje
                        obradi2(ref primljeno);
                        MessageBox.Show("Komunikacija nije uspjela");
        }).Start(); // Start the Thread

    当服务器和主机在同一台计算机上时,应用程序运行良好。但在不同的机器上不稳定。 由于工作不正常,我的意思是应用程序崩溃,“服务器没有响应”。 我做错了什么?

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