我遇到的问题是弹丸的数量,在我遇到应用程序性能问题之前可以很好地设置动画(例如:30)并且它可以根据初始变化很大速度或角度。当问题出现时," Fire"按钮大大减慢,并且射弹似乎在爆发时排队并发射,而不是在按钮点击时。
this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { /*Code for creating and starting animation*/ }));
这是一个压缩演示项目的Drop Box链接以及截图: Projectile Motion Demo
public partial class MainWindow : Window
Projectile bullet;
ProjectilePathMovement projMove;
private void spawnAndFireBullet()
// Create new bullet with: Velocity, Initial Angle, Damage
bullet = new Projectile(100, 45, 0);
bullet.Template = Resources["BulletTemplate"] as ControlTemplate;
// Position the bullet at it's starting location.
Canvas.SetLeft(bullet, 50);
Canvas.SetTop(bullet, canvas.ActualHeight - 10);
projMove.animateProjectile(bullet, mainWindow);
public class ProjectilePathMovement
Storyboard pathAnimationStoryboard;
MatrixAnimationUsingPath projectileAnimation;
MatrixTransform projectileMatrixTransform;
ProjectileMotion pMotion = new ProjectileMotion();
public void animateProjectile(Projectile projectile, Window window)
NameScope.SetNameScope(window, new NameScope());
projectileMatrixTransform = new MatrixTransform();
projectile.RenderTransform = projectileMatrixTransform;
window.RegisterName("ProjectileTransform", projectileMatrixTransform);
projectileAnimation = new MatrixAnimationUsingPath();
projectileAnimation.PathGeometry = pMotion.getProjectilePath(projectile); // Get the path of the projectile.
projectileAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(pMotion.flightTime);
projectileAnimation.DoesRotateWithTangent = true;
Storyboard.SetTargetName(projectileAnimation, "ProjectileTransform");
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(projectileAnimation, new PropertyPath(MatrixTransform.MatrixProperty));
pathAnimationStoryboard = new Storyboard();
class ProjectileMotion
// Trajectory variables.
public double trajRange = 0.0, trajHeight = 0.0, trajTime = 0.0;
private double gravity = 9.81; // m/s^2
private double velocity = 0.0; // m/s
private double angle = 0.0; // In radians
private double cosine, secant, tangent;
private double deltaX, deltaY;
private double x_component, y_component;
private double t_maxHeight;
private double start_x, start_y, current_x, current_y;
private double previousAngle = 0.0, previousVelocity = 0.0;
private PathGeometry projectilePath, previousProjectilePath; // The actual path of the object/projectile.
private PathFigure pFigure; // projectilePath is comprised of pFigure.
private PolyLineSegment polyLine; // polyLine is comprised of points.
private PointCollection points; // points is comprised of a list of all points in the path
/// <summary>
/// Returns the path the projectile would take given its initial velocity, initial angle, and starting point.
/// Pass the angle in Degrees.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectile"></param>
/// <param name="vel"></param>
/// <param name="ang"></param>
/// <param name="startPoint"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public PathGeometry getProjectilePath(UIElement projectile, double vel, double ang, System.Windows.Point startPoint)
// Calculate the necessary values.
calculateValues(projectile, ang, vel);
// Derive the object's/projectile's path.
return deriveProjectilePath(startPoint);
public double getGravity()
return gravity;
private void calculateValues(UIElement projectile, double ang, double vel)
// Convert the angle from Degrees to Radians.
angle = ang * (Math.PI / 180);
velocity = vel;
cosine = Math.Cos(angle);
secant = 1 / cosine;
tangent = Math.Tan(angle);
deltaX = Math.Cos(angle);
deltaY = Math.Sin(angle);
// Get current coordinates.
start_x = Canvas.GetLeft(projectile);
start_y = Canvas.GetTop(projectile);
current_y = start_y;
current_x = start_x;
// Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of initial velocity.
// Xvo = Vo * Cos(angle)
// Yvo = Vo * Sin(angle)
x_component = velocity * Math.Cos(angle);
y_component = velocity * Math.Sin(angle);
// Calculate time to reach max height. t max = Vyo / 9.8
t_maxHeight = y_component / gravity;
// Calculate max height of projectile. h = Yo + Vyo·t - 0.5·g·t^2
trajHeight = 0 + (y_component * t_maxHeight) - (.5 * gravity * t_maxHeight * t_maxHeight);
//Calulate max range of projectile.
trajRange = (2 * (velocity * velocity) * Math.Sin(angle) * Math.Cos(angle)) / gravity;
// Calculate flight time.
trajTime = 2 * t_maxHeight;
private PathGeometry deriveProjectilePath(System.Windows.Point pt)
projectilePath = new PathGeometry();
pFigure = new PathFigure();
start_x = pt.X;
start_y = pt.Y;
current_y = start_y;
pFigure.StartPoint = pt;
polyLine = new PolyLineSegment();
points = new PointCollection();
// Checks if the angle and velocity for this projectile is the same as last time. If it is the same there is no need to recalculate the path of the projectile, just use the same one from before.
if (previousAngle != angle && previousVelocity != velocity)
// Loop to obtain every point in the trajectory's path.
for (current_x = start_x; current_x <= trajRange; current_x++)
current_y = start_y - current_x * tangent + ((gravity * current_x * current_x) / (2 * (velocity * velocity * cosine * cosine))); // Y = Yo + X*tan - ( (g*X^2) / 2(v*cos)^2 ) Trajectory Formula to find the 'y' value at a given 'x' value.
points.Add(new System.Windows.Point(current_x, current_y));
// If the last x-coordinate value exceeds the actual range of projectile set x = to actual range to
// obtain actual y-coordinate value for final trajectory point.
if (current_x > trajRange)
current_x = trajRange;
current_y = start_y - current_x * tangent + ((gravity * current_x * current_x) / (2 * (velocity * velocity * cosine * cosine))); // Y = Yo + X*tan - ( (g*X^2) / 2(v*cos)^2 ) Trajectory Formula to find the 'y' coord given an 'x' value.
points.Add(new System.Windows.Point(current_x, current_y));
polyLine.Points = points;
projectilePath = previousProjectilePath;
// Freeze the PathGeometry for performance benefits?
previousVelocity = velocity;
previousAngle = angle;
previousProjectilePath = projectilePath;
return projectilePath;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Queue<FireBulletDelegate> bulletQueue = new Queue<FireBulletDelegate>();
delegate void FireBulletDelegate();
DispatcherTimer bulletQueueChecker;
const int threshold = 100;
private void fireButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (bulletQueue.Count > threshold) return;
FireBulletDelegate d = new FireBulletDelegate(spawnAndFireBullet);
if (bulletQueueChecker == null)
bulletQueueChecker = new DispatcherTimer(
(s1, e1) =>
if (bulletQueue.Count > 0)
else if (!bulletQueueChecker.IsEnabled)