public class TwoTimeClock extends JFrame {
Clock clockFace;
Clock clockFacetwo;
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame windo = new TwoTimeClock();
private final Clock clockFaceTwo;
* empty constructor. initializes instance variables, draws the clocks,
* and starts them
public TwoTimeClock() {
Container content = this.getContentPane();
content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Time time1 = new Time();
Time time2 = new Time();
clockFace = new Clock(time1);
clockFaceTwo = new Clock(time2);
content.add(clockFace, BorderLayout.WEST); //BorderLayout.WEST and BorderLayout.EAST decide the clocks lie in the left or right of box
//hint if you add another clockFace to the content object above, then the canvas will grow in size
content.add(clockFaceTwo, BorderLayout.EAST);
this.setTitle("Baltimore New Delhi");
private static final int spacing = 10;
private static final float threePi = (float) (3.0 * Math.PI);
// Angles for the trigonometric functions are measured in radians.
// The following in the number of radians per sec or min.
private static final float radPerSecMin = (float) (Math.PI / 30.0);
private int size; // height and width of clock face
private int centerX; // x coord of middle of clock
private int centerY; // y coord of middle of clock
private BufferedImage clockImage;
private javax.swing.Timer t;
* //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should modify this constructor to take an object of Time class as parameter
* Constructor. Takes an object of the Time class that it will use for showing the time
* @param
public Clock(Time t1) {
this.time = t1;
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 300));
t = new javax.swing.Timer(1000,
new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
* Replace the default update so that the plain background doesn't get drawn.
public void update() {
public void start() {
t.start(); // start the timer
public void stop() {
t.stop(); // stop the timer
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
super.paintComponent(g); // paint background, borders
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
// The panel may have been resized, get current dimensions
int w = getWidth();
int h = getHeight();
size = ((w < h) ? w : h) - 2 * spacing;
size -= 50; //reducing size to make space for text below clock face
centerX = size / 2 + spacing;
centerY = size / 2 + spacing;
// Create the clock face background image if this is the first time,
// or if the size of the panel has changed
if (clockImage == null
|| clockImage.getWidth() != w
|| clockImage.getHeight() != h) {
clockImage = (BufferedImage) (this.createImage(w, h));
// now get a graphics context from this image
Graphics2D gc = clockImage.createGraphics();
// Draw the clock face from the precomputed image
g2.drawImage(clockImage, null, 0, 0);
// Draw the clock hands
//Print Clock
g2.drawString(Time.toStandard(), 90, h-15);
g2.drawString(Time.toMilitary(), 90, h-30);
* The hour, minute, and second hand
* @param g
private void drawClockHands(Graphics g) {
int secondRadius = size / 2;
int minuteRadius = secondRadius * 3 / 4;
int hourRadius = secondRadius / 2;
// second hand
float fseconds = time.getSecs() + (float) time.getMillis()/ 1000;
float secondAngle = threePi - (radPerSecMin * fseconds);
drawRadius(g, centerX, centerY, secondAngle, 0, secondRadius);
// minute hand clock 1
float fminutes = (float) (time.getMins() + fseconds / 60.0);
float minuteAngle = threePi - (radPerSecMin * fminutes);
drawRadius(g, centerX, centerY, minuteAngle, 0, minuteRadius);
// hour hand clock 1
float fhours = (float) (time.getHrs() + fminutes / 60.0);
float hourAngle = threePi - (5 * radPerSecMin * fhours);
drawRadius(g, centerX, centerY, hourAngle, 0, hourRadius);
private void drawClockFace(Graphics g) {
// clock face
g.fillOval(spacing, spacing, size, size);
g.drawOval(spacing, spacing, size, size);
// tic marks
for (int sec = 0; sec < 60; sec++) {
int ticStart;
if (sec % 5 == 0) {
ticStart = size / 2 - 10;
} else {
ticStart = size / 2 - 5;
drawRadius(g, centerX, centerY, radPerSecMin * sec, ticStart, size / 2);
private void drawRadius(Graphics g, int x, int y, double angle,
int minRadius, int maxRadius) {
float sine = (float) Math.sin(angle);
float cosine = (float) Math.cos(angle);
int dxmin = (int) (minRadius * sine);
int dymin = (int) (minRadius * cosine);
int dxmax = (int) (maxRadius * sine);
int dymax = (int) (maxRadius * cosine);
g.drawLine(x + dxmin, y + dymin, x + dxmax, y + dymax);
public class Time {
private static int hrs = 00;
private static int mins = 00;
private static int secs = 00;
private static int millis = 00;
static int copyHrs;
static int copyMins;
static int copySecs;
static int hrsOffset;
static int minsOffset = 30;
//Empty Constructor
public Time() {
Calendar t1 = Calendar.getInstance();
hrs = t1.get(Calendar.HOUR);
mins = t1.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
secs = t1.get(Calendar.SECOND);
millis = t1.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
//Alternate Constructor
public Time(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millisec) {
hrs = hours;
mins = minutes;
secs = seconds;
millis = millisec;
//Copy Constructor
public Time(Time otherClock) {
copyHrs = hrs;
copyMins = mins;
copySecs = secs;
millis = millis;
public int getHrs() {
return hrs;
public void setHrs(int hrs) {
this.hrs = hrs;
public int getMins() {
return mins;
public void setMins(int mins) {
this.mins = mins;
public int getSecs() {
return secs;
public void setSecs(int secs) {
this.secs = secs;
public int getMillis() {
return millis;
public void setMillis(int millis) {
this.millis = millis;
public static int getHrsOffset() {
return hrsOffset;
public void setHrsOffset(int hrsOffset) {
this.hrsOffset = hrsOffset;
public void printOffset(Time clock, int hrsOffset, int minsOffset) {
hrs = Math.abs(clock.hrs + hrsOffset);
mins = Math.abs(clock.mins + minsOffset);
secs = clock.secs;
if (hrs < 12) {
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d AM%n", hrs, mins, secs);
} else if (hrs == 24) {
System.out.printf("12:%02d:%02d AM%n", mins, secs);
} else if (hrs == 12) {
System.out.printf("12:%02d:%02d PM%n", mins, secs);
} else {
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d PM%n", hrs - 12, mins, secs);
public static int getMinsOffset() {
return minsOffset;
public void setMinsOffset(int minsOffset) {
this.minsOffset = minsOffset;
public static void printMilitary() {
hrs = hrs % 24;
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d %n", hrs, mins, secs);
public static void printStandard() {
hrs = hrs % 24;
if (hrs < 12) {
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d AM%n", hrs, mins, secs);
} else if (hrs == 24) {
System.out.printf("12:%02d:%02d AM%n", mins, secs);
} else if (hrs == 12) {
System.out.printf("12:%02d:%02d PM%n", mins, secs);
} else {
System.out.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d PM%n", hrs - 12, mins, secs);
public String toString() {
return hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
public boolean equals(Time otherClock) {
if (hrs == otherClock.hrs && mins == otherClock.mins && secs == otherClock.secs) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static int getCopy() {
copyHrs = Time.hrs;
copyMins = Time.mins;
copySecs = Time.secs;
return copyHrs + copyMins + copySecs;
public static void advanceSecs() {
if (secs > 59) {
secs = 00;
if (mins > 59) {
secs = 00;
mins = 00;
public boolean lessThan(Time otherClock) {
if ((hrs < otherClock.hrs) && (mins < otherClock.mins) && (secs < otherClock.secs)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean notEquals(Time otherClock) {
if ((hrs == otherClock.hrs) && (mins == otherClock.mins) && (secs == otherClock.secs)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean lessOrEquals(Time otherClock) {
if ((hrs <= otherClock.hrs) && (mins <= otherClock.mins) && (secs <= otherClock.secs)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean greaterThan(Time otherClock) {
if ((hrs > otherClock.hrs) && (mins > otherClock.mins) && (secs > otherClock.secs)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static String toMilitary() {
hrs = hrs%24;
String str = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hrs, mins, secs);
return str;
public static String toStandard() {
String str = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d PM", hrs, mins, secs);
if (hrs > 12) {
hrs = hrs - 12;
str = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d AM", hrs, mins, secs);
} else if (hrs == 12) {
str = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d AM", hrs, mins, secs);
return str;
public void update() {
Calendar t1 = Calendar.getInstance();
hrs = t1.get(Calendar.HOUR);
mins = t1.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
secs = t1.get(Calendar.SECOND);
millis = t1.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
public void updateOffSet() {
Calendar t1 = Calendar.getInstance();
hrs = t1.get(Calendar.HOUR) + hrsOffset;
mins = t1.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + minsOffset;
secs = t1.get(Calendar.SECOND);
millis = t1.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
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