
时间:2015-10-03 18:48:04

标签: java recursion quicksort


static int qSortCompares = 0;  // GLOBAL var declaration

 * The swap method swaps the contents of two elements in an int array.
 * @param The array containing the two elements.
 * @param a The subscript of the first element.
 * @param b The subscript of the second element.
private static void swap(int[] array, int a, int b) {
    int temp;

    temp = array[a];
    array[a] = array[b];
    array[b] = temp;

 public static void quickSort(int array[]) {
    qSortCompares = 0;
    int qSCount = 0;
    doQuickSort(array, 0, array.length - 1);


 * The doQuickSort method uses the QuickSort algorithm to sort an int array.
 * @param array The array to sort.
 * @param start The starting subscript of the list to sort
 * @param end The ending subscript of the list to sort
private static int doQuickSort(int array[], int start, int end) {
    int pivotPoint;
    int qSTotal = 0;
    if (start < end) {

        // Get the pivot point.
        pivotPoint = partition(array, start, end);

        // Note - only one +/=
        // Sort the first sub list.
        doQuickSort(array, start, pivotPoint - 1);

        // Sort the second sub list.
        doQuickSort(array, pivotPoint + 1, end);


    return qSTotal;

 * The partition method selects a pivot value in an array and arranges the
 * array into two sub lists. All the values less than the pivot will be
 * stored in the left sub list and all the values greater than or equal to
 * the pivot will be stored in the right sub list.
 * @param array The array to partition.
 * @param start The starting subscript of the area to partition.
 * @param end The ending subscript of the area to partition.
 * @return The subscript of the pivot value.
private static int partition(int array[], int start, int end) {
    int pivotValue;    // To hold the pivot value
    int endOfLeftList; // Last element in the left sub list.
    int mid;           // To hold the mid-point subscript
    int qSCount = 0;

    // see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15122-s11/lectures/08-qsort.pdf
    // for discussion of middle point - This improves the almost sorted cases
    // of using quicksort
    // Find the subscript of the middle element.
    // This will be our pivot value.
    mid = (start + end) / 2;

    // Swap the middle element with the first element.
    // This moves the pivot value to the start of
    // the list.
    swap(array, start, mid);

    // Save the pivot value for comparisons.
    pivotValue = array[start];

    // For now, the end of the left sub list is
    // the first element.
    endOfLeftList = start;

    // Scan the entire list and move any values that
    // are less than the pivot value to the left
    // sub list.
    for (int scan = start + 1; scan <= end; scan++) {
        if (array[scan] < pivotValue) {
            // System.out.println("Pivot=" + pivotValue + "=" + endOfLeftList + ":" + scan);
            swap(array, endOfLeftList, scan);

    // Move the pivot value to end of the
    // left sub list.
    swap(array, start, endOfLeftList);

    // Return the subscript of the pivot value.
    return endOfLeftList;

 * Print an array to the Console
 * @param A
public static void printArray(int[] A) {
    for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
        System.out.printf("%5d ", A[i]);

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
    final int SIZE = 10;
    int[] A = new int[SIZE];

    // Create random array with elements in the range of 0 to SIZE - 1;
    System.out.printf("Lab#2 Sorting Algorithm Performance Analysis\n\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        A[i] = (int) (Math.random() * SIZE);

    System.out.printf("Unsorted Data = %s\n", Arrays.toString(A));

    int[] B;

    // Measure comparisons and time each of the 4 sorts
    B = Arrays.copyOf(A, A.length);  // Need to do this before each sort
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    long timeRequired = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000;

    System.out.printf("Sorted Data = %s\n", Arrays.toString(B));
    System.out.printf("Number of compares for quicksort     = %8d time = %8d us Ratio = %6.1f compares/us\n", qSortCompares, timeRequired, qSortCompares / (double) timeRequired);

    // Add code for the other sorts here ...







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private static int doQuickSort(int array[], int start, int end)



private static int partition(int array[], int start, int end)



  1. 我们可以创建或使用现有的Pair类,让这个方法返回一对整数,而不只是一个整数(透视)。
  2. 我们可以创建一个计数器类并传递一个计数器对象并在那里完成计数。这消除了返回另一个值的需要,因为该参数可用于增加计数。