void main()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
initgraph (&gd, &gm, "");
setbkcolor (15);
setcolor (0);
settextjustify (1,1);
settextstyle (3,0,12);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 1, "BATAAN PENINSULA STATE UNIVERSITY");
outtextxy(getmaxx()/2, 3, "MAIN CAMPUS");
settextstyle (3,0,10);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 5, "College of Engineering and Architecture");
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 7, "Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering(BSCE)");
settextstyle (3,0,15);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, getmaxy()/2, "COMPUTERIZED TUTORIAL SYSTEM");
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 30, "(CORRECTION IN TAPING)");
settextstyle (3,0,10);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, getmaxy(), "Programmed by: BSCE-3A Group 8");
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
template<typename ret_t>
ret_t get_num(const std::string &prompt = "",
const std::string &error = "",
const std::function<bool(ret_t)> &condition = [] { return true; })
//default value of &conditon is just a lambda that returns true
//....not complete function
ret_t num = 0;
std::cin >> num;
if (condition(num))
return num;
std::cerr << error;
return get_num<ret_t>(prompt, error, condition);
int main()
//it works fine if I supply the third argument
int number = get_num<int>("Enter num: ", "Bad input! ", [](int num) { return num > 0; });
//this gives me an error, while it should run
//fine and the condition should always evaluate to true
int number2 = get_num<int>("Enter num2: ", "Bad input! ");
std::cout << number;
另外,即使我没有使用lambda指定&amp; condition的默认值,但是如果我使用如下的普通函数,它仍然不起作用:
template<typename ret_t>
ret_t get_num(const std::string &prompt = "",
const std::string &error = "",
const std::function<bool(ret_t)> &condition = [] (ret_t) { return true; })