struct ArrayException
ArrayException(string newMessage = "error") :message(newMessage)
string message;
int sum(int* theArray, unsigned int arraySize)
if (theArray = NULL)
throw ArrayException("NULL ARRAY REFERENCE");
catch (int* param)
cout << "you can't have " << param << " as an array size";
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < arraySize; i++)
sum += theArray[i];
return sum;
int sum(int* theArray, unsigned int arraySize)
if (theArray = NULL)
throw ArrayException("NULL ARRAY REFERENCE");
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < arraySize; i++)
sum += theArray[i];
return sum;
答案 0 :(得分:3)
虽然这篇文章没有特别提及,但我认为问题是为什么没有抓住异常?答案很简单 - 因为抛出的异常是ArrayException类型,而catch是使用int *类型完成的。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
掌握这些东西的最佳方法是推荐πάνταῥε:获得一本好书。这是开始选择书籍的好地方:The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
#include <iostream>
// removed the using namespace std;
struct ArrayException
ArrayException(std::string newMessage = "error") :
std::string message;
int sum(int* theArray, size_t arraySize) // change made here:
// size_t better suited than unsigned int for indexes
//throw std::out_of_range("BOOM!"); //uncomment to trigger a std::exception
//throw 42; // uncomment to trigger the unknown exception
if (theArray == NULL)
throw ArrayException("NULL ARRAY REFERENCE"); //perfect!
int sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) // changes made here:
// size_t not int to get rid of signed/unsigned conflict
// starting with array index 0, not 1
sum += theArray[i];
return sum;
int main()
sum (NULL, 10); // NULL address to force the exception
catch (ArrayException & param) // catch the custom exception
// catch by reference where possible
std::cout << "This bad stuff happened: " << param.message << std::endl;
// extra stuff to show what can also be done
catch (std::exception & stdexcpt) // catch any standard exceptions and
// print their message
std::cout << "Standard exception thrown: " << stdexcpt.what() << std::endl;
catch (...) // catch anything else that was thrown and doesn't
// correspond to any expectation
std::cout << "No idea what happened." << std::endl;