我们正尝试使用PHP YouTube API在YouTube频道上传视频。视频已在所有YouTube帐户和频道上成功上传,但一个帐户https://www.youtube.com/user/OLXInTv/除外。
在搜索时,我们发现很少提及服务帐户的链接不适用于YouTube API。 https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/moving_to_oauth#service-accounts-do-not-work-with-the-youtube-api
require_once '../../pdo/olxdb.php';
$videoData = $invokeThis->selectOlxUtubeModeratedVideo();
require_once '../api/src/Google/autoload.php';
require_once '../api/src/Google/Client.php';
require_once '../api/src/Google/Service/YouTube.php';
$fileR = 'logs/youtubelog.txt';
$application_name = 'ABC';
$client_secret = 'ABC';
$client_id = 'ABC';
$scope = array('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.upload', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtubepartner');
foreach ($videoData as $video) {
$key = file_get_contents('the_key.txt');
$videoPath = '../../converted/final/ready/madeit/'.$video['video'];
$videoTitle = 'Buy '.$video['color'].' '.$video['category'].' at Rs.'.$video['price'];
$videoDescription = 'Hi, I am willing to sell my '.$video["color"].' '.$video["category"].' at INR.'.$video["price"].'. If interested, kindly visit http://makeyourad.olx.in/ and go to video gallery to look for my product using my name '.$video["name"].'. Look to hear from you…';
$videoCategory = "22";
$videoTags = array($video['id'],$video['color'], $video['category'], $video['price'], 'Buy', 'Sell');
$videoid = $video['id'];
// Client init
$client = new Google_Client();
if ($client->getAccessToken()) {
* Check to see if our access token has expired. If so, get a new one and save it to file for future use.
if($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
$newToken = json_decode($client->getAccessToken());
file_put_contents('the_key.txt', $client->getAccessToken());
$youtube = new Google_Service_YouTube($client);
// Create a snipet with title, description, tags and category id
$snippet = new Google_Service_YouTube_VideoSnippet();
// Create a video status with privacy status. Options are "public", "private" and "unlisted".
$status = new Google_Service_YouTube_VideoStatus();
// Create a YouTube video with snippet and status
$video = new Google_Service_YouTube_Video();
// Size of each chunk of data in bytes. Setting it higher leads faster upload (less chunks,
// for reliable connections). Setting it lower leads better recovery (fine-grained chunks)
$chunkSizeBytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
// Setting the defer flag to true tells the client to return a request which can be called
// with ->execute(); instead of making the API call immediately.
// Create a request for the API's videos.insert method to create and upload the video.
$insertRequest = $youtube->videos->insert("status,snippet", $video);
// Create a MediaFileUpload object for resumable uploads.
$media = new Google_Http_MediaFileUpload(
// Read the media file and upload it chunk by chunk.
$status = false;
$handle = fopen($videoPath, "rb");
while (!$status && !feof($handle)) {
$chunk = fread($handle, $chunkSizeBytes);
$status = $media->nextChunk($chunk);
* Video has successfully been upload, now lets perform some cleanup functions for this video
if ($status->status['uploadStatus'] == 'uploaded') {
$youtube_id = $status->id;
// If you want to make other calls after the file upload, set setDefer back to false
} else{
// @TODO Log error
echo 'Problems creating the client';
} catch(Google_Service_Exception $e) {
$line1 = "\r\n Caught Google service Exception ".$e->getCode(). " message is ".$e->getMessage();
$line2 = "\r\n Stack trace is ".$e->getTraceAsString();
$dateStart = date("Y:m:d h:i:s");
$fileContents = "\r\n ".$dateStart.' Video Id:='.$videoid.$line1.$line2;
file_put_contents($fileR, $fileContents, FILE_APPEND);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$line1 = "\r\n Caught Google service Exception ".$e->getCode(). " message is ".$e->getMessage();
$line2 = "\r\n Stack trace is ".$e->getTraceAsString();
$dateStart = date("Y:m:d h:i:s");
$fileContents = "\r\n ".$dateStart.' Video Id:='.$videoid.$line1.$line2;
file_put_contents($fileR, $fileContents, FILE_APPEND);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
最后,我们找到了解决方案。没有必要更改代码。 切换频道后应生成访问令牌,如下所述。