我目前正在尝试序列化网格堆栈容器中的所有网格,我可以看到元素属性中保存的值,但它似乎不想正确返回对象。当我执行我的ajax POST请求时,未分配窗口小部件数据,因为我的函数返回undefined。
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
//store grid into a variable to be manipulated
this.grid = $('.grid-stack').data('gridstack');
//we create a saveGrid method to save attributes to the database
this.save_grid = function () {
this.serialized_data = _.map($('.grid-stack > .grid-stack-item:visible'), function (el) {
el = $(el);
var gridID = el.find('.grid-stack-item-content.ui-draggable-handle').first().attr('id');
var node = el.data('_gridstack_node');
return {
id: gridID,
x: node.x,
y: node.y,
width: node.width,
height: node.height
}, this);
url: 'Dashboard/EditWidgets/',
type: 'POST',
data: {
widget: this.save_grid
success: function (dataset) {
failure: function (xhr, error) {
cache: false