<% @dated_incidents.each do |date, incidents| %>
<div class="incident-group-date"><%= date.strftime('%e %B %Y') %></div>
<% if incidents.is_a? ActiveRecord::Relation %>
<% incidents.each do |i| %>
<div class="incident-block">
<span class="incident-name text-<%= i.convert_to_level %>"><%= i.name %></span><span class="incident-component text-<%= i.convert_to_level %>"><%= i.component %></span>
<% e = i.events.last %>
<hr class="event-hr"/>
<p class="incident-description"><b><%= e.status %></b>- <%= e.message %></p>
<p class="incident-updated-at"><%= e.updated_at.strftime('%b %e, %H:%M %Z') %></p>
<% if signed_in? %>
<a href="/incidents/<%= i.id %>">
<button class="btn btn-warning btn-sm">Update Incident</button>
<a href="/incidents/delete/<%= i.id %>" data-confirm="Are you sure? Deleting an incident is irreversible.">
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">Delete Incident</button>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<hr class="hr-top" />
<% else %>
<div class="incident-block nothing text-center"><%= incidents %></div>
<hr class="hr-top" />
<% end %>
<% end %>
def dated_incidents
# Returns a hash containing dates and the incidents that happened on that date
# Sample output
# {Sat, 26 Sep 2015=>#<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Incident id: 980190979, name: "Incident Name", component: "Incident...>>}
# Says 'nothing to report' if there are no incidents on that day
# This is a bit heavy, especially if Statusify has been around for some time.
begins = Incident.first.created_at.to_date
ends = Incident.last.updated_at.to_date
# Minor check to make sure things don't blow up
begins,ends = ends,begins if begins > ends
# The range over which we operate
range = begins..ends
# Runs only if @dated_incidents == nil
if !@dated_incidents
@dated_incidents = Hash.new
range.each do |date|
i = Incident.where(:created_at => date.beginning_of_day..date.end_of_day)
if !i.empty?
@dated_incidents[date] = i
@dated_incidents[date] = 'Nothing to report'
@dated_incidents.sort{|a,b| b <=> a}.to_h
我希望对此输出进行分页,但我无法使用Kaminari或will_paginate执行此操作。我可以使用任何一种宝石来解决问题。 我很抱歉抛弃了这么多代码,但坦率地说,我一无所知。