
时间:2015-09-27 18:14:27

标签: javascript arrays regex





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

同意..! JS字符串是不可变的,但是你对连接的关注是耗时的并不合理。我可以确认在Chrome,Firefox,Opera,IE11和Safari中对1,000,000个随机字符阵列进行Array.prototype.join()操作大约需要10~40ms,具体取决于引擎。是的......就是这样。 (特别是蜘蛛猴闪耀)让我们看看

var   arr = [],
    match = [],
  longStr = "",
    count = 1000000,
    start = 0,
      end = 0;

for (var i=0; i<count; i++){
  arr.push((+new Date()*Math.random()).toString(36)[0]);
start = performance.now();
longStr = arr.join("");
end = performance.now();
console.log("Concatenation took "+(end-start)+" msecs");
// Concatenation took 10.875 msecs.. Wow Firefox..!
start = performance.now();
match = longStr.match(/7{5,}/g);
!match && (match = [])
end = performance.now();
console.log("Regex match took "+(end-start)+" msecs and found " +match.length+" matches as: ", match);
//Regex match took 6.550000000046566 msecs and found 1 matches as: ["77777"]

所以在完成这些测试之后,我决定尝试回答你的问题。我们需要发明我们自己的可变字符串对象。实际上创建它非常简单。具有特殊功能的异常数组对象,也可以访问Array.prototype个函数。就像字符串对象一样,它将有一个名为primitiveValue的额外属性,每次更新length属性时,我们将执行this.primitiveValue = this.join();操作,以便所有Array.prototype函数访问{{1} }属性将自动更新length。如果我们有一个写入繁重的工作流程,这将降低性能。好消息是我们可以完全控制我们如何更新primitiveValue。如果我们喜欢,我们可以在每次对length属性的写访问时跳过更新它,并且可以在将regex应用于字符串内容之前手动执行。或者我们甚至可以将{regex函数添加到primitiveValue和猴子补丁中,将RingBuffer.prototype作业连接到它们。这里有很多可能性。


所以我用{100,000}随机字符填充function RingBuffer(){ this.primitiveValue = ""; this.__len; Object.defineProperty(this, "length", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: this.getLength, set: this.setLength }); } RingBuffer.prototype = Array.prototype; RingBuffer.prototype.constructor = RingBuffer; RingBuffer.prototype.getLength = function(){ return this.__len; }; RingBuffer.prototype.setLength = function(val){ this.__len = val; this.primitiveValue = this.join(""); }; var ringu = new RingBuffer(); 。 Chrome 49的基准测试是这样的;


因此,根据您进行写入的频率或在应用正则表达式之前需要连接var longStr = "", count = 100000, start = performance.now(), end = 0; for (var i=1; i<=count; i++){ ringu.push((+new Date()*Math.random()).toString(36)[0]); if (!(i % 10000)){ end = performance.now(); console.log(i/10000+". 10000 pushes done at :"+(end - start)+" msecs"); start = end; } } console.log("ringu is filled with " + count + " random characters"); start = performance.now(); longStr = ringu.join(""); end = performance.now(); console.log("Last concatenation took "+(end-start)+" msecs"); 1. 10000 pushes done at :1680.6399999996647 msecs 2. 10000 pushes done at :4873.2599999997765 msecs 3. 10000 pushes done at :8044.155000000261 msecs 4. 10000 pushes done at :11585.525000000373 msecs 5. 10000 pushes done at :14642.490000000224 msecs 6. 10000 pushes done at :17998.389999999665 msecs 7. 10000 pushes done at :20814.979999999516 msecs 8. 10000 pushes done at :24024.445000000298 msecs 9. 10000 pushes done at :27146.375 msecs 10. 10000 pushes done at :30347.794999999925 msecs ringu is filled with 100000 random characters Last concatenation took 3.510000000707805 msecs 的频率,您可以决定在何处调用primitiveValue指令。 500K项目RingBuffer的平均连接时间将小于30ms。

嗯......这就是SpiderMonkey的结果。因此,如果您要在Node.Js上运行类似的代码,那么尝试使用Spider Monkey或ChakraCore引擎而不是使用V8的Node配置JXCore可能会更明智。
