
时间:2015-09-26 13:59:40

标签: vba internet-explorer vbscript right-click save-as

我想从链接列表中下载多个文件。我找到链接的网站受到保护。这就是我想使用IE(使用当前会话/ cookie)的原因。每个链接的目标是一个xml文件。文件太大而无法打开然后保存。所以我需要直接保存它们(右键单击,保存目标为)。


<p> <a href="https://example.com/report?_hhhh=XML"Link A</a><br>> </p>
<p> <a href="https://example.com/report?_aaaa=XML"Link B</a><br>> </p>


Sub DownloadAllLinks()

Dim IE As Object
Dim Document As Object
Dim List As Object
Dim Link As Object

' Before I logged in to the website
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate ("https:\\......\links.html")

Do While IE.Busy

' Detect all links on website
Set Document = IE.Document
Set List = Document.getElementsByTagName("a")

' Loop through all links to download them

For Each Link In List

' Now I need to automate "save target as" / right-click and then "save as"

Next Link
End Sub


感谢任何帮助。非常感谢, 乌利

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Option Explicit

Sub Test()
    ' declare vars
    Dim sUrl As String
    Dim sReqProt As String
    Dim sReqAddr As String
    Dim sReqPath As String
    Dim sContent As String
    Dim oLinks As Object
    Dim oMatch As Object
    Dim sHref As String
    Dim sHrefProt As String
    Dim sHrefAddr As String
    Dim sHrefPath As String
    Dim sHrefFull As String
    Dim n As Long
    Dim aContent() As Byte
    ' set source URL
    sUrl = "https:\\......\links.html"
    ' process source URL
    SplitUrl sUrl, sReqProt, sReqAddr, sReqPath
    If sReqProt = "" Then sReqProt = "http:"
    sUrl = sReqProt & "//" & sReqAddr & "/" & sReqPath
    ' retrieve source page HTML content
    With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", sUrl, False
        sContent = .ResponseText
    End With
    ' parse source page HTML content to extract all links
    Set oLinks = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .Pattern = "<a.*?href *= *(?:'|"")(.*?)(?:'|"").*?>"
        For Each oMatch In .Execute(sContent)
            sHref = oMatch.subMatches(0)
            SplitUrl sHref, sHrefProt, sHrefAddr, sHrefPath
            If sHrefProt = "" Then sHrefProt = sReqProt
            If sHrefAddr = "" Then sHrefAddr = sReqAddr
            sHrefFull = sHrefProt & "//" & sHrefAddr & "/" & sHrefPath
            oLinks(oLinks.Count) = sHrefFull
    End With
    ' save each link target into file
    For Each n In oLinks
        sHref = oLinks(n)
        With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
            .Open "GET", sHref, False
            aContent = .ResponseBody
        End With
        With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
            .Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
            .Write aContent
            .SaveToFile "C:\Test\" & n & ".xml", 2 ' adSaveCreateOverWrite
        End With
End Sub

Sub SplitUrl(sUrl, sProt, sAddr, sPath)
    ' extract protocol, address and path from URL
    Dim aSplit
    aSplit = Split(sUrl, "//")
    If UBound(aSplit) = 0 Then
        sProt = ""
        sAddr = sUrl
        sProt = aSplit(0)
        sAddr = aSplit(1)
    End If
    aSplit = Split(sAddr, "/")
    If UBound(aSplit) = 0 Then
        sPath = sAddr
        sAddr = ""
        sPath = Mid(sAddr, Len(aSplit(0)) + 2)
        sAddr = aSplit(0)
    End If
End Sub
