
时间:2015-09-26 02:24:56

标签: java oop design-patterns

示例情况: 我有一个电视抽象超类。两个子类继承自它。这两个子类都有工厂方法来创建自己的遥控器。 Remote是一个超类,它有两个子类。遥控器可以改变他们各自的电视频道(在这种情况下,三星遥控器应该与任何三星电视一起使用)。


import java.util.*;

public abstract class Television{
    private int channel;

    public abstract Remote makeRemote();

    public int getChannel(){
        return channel;

    public void setChannel(int c){

import java.util.*;

public class SamsungTelevision extends Television{
    private int channel;

    public Remote makeRemote(){
        return new SamsungRemote();


import java.util.*;

public class SonyTelevision extends Television{
    private int channel;

    public Remote makeRemote(){
        return new SonyRemote();


import java.util.*;

public abstract class Remote{

    public abstract void changeChannel(Television t,int channel);

import java.util.*;

public class SamsungRemote extends Remote{

    public void changeChannel(Television t,int channel){
        System.out.println("Samsung: Channel has been switched");


import java.util.*;

public class SonyRemote extends Remote{

    public void changeChannel(Television t,int channel){
        System.out.println("Sony: Channel has been switched");

import java.util.*;

public class Driver{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Television t = new SamsungTelevision();
        Television t1 = new SonyTelevision();
        Remote r=t.makeRemote();
        System.out.println("Samsung current channel: " + t.getChannel());
        System.out.println("Sony current channel: " + t1.getChannel());

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

一种可以确保来自通用API的共存类型层次结构的方法可以共享代码和该API但仍然只能与他们自己的特定实现一起使用marker interfacesgenerics

 * Different manufacturers can extend this interface
 * to ensure compile-time compatibility of their products while
 * using standard APIs that use generics for type safety. 
public interface Manufacturer {


 * This interface marks products created by Samsung.
public interface Samsung extends Manufacturer {


 * This interface marks products created by Sony.
public interface Sony extends Manufacturer {


public abstract class Television<M extends Manufacturer>{
    private int channel;

    //this ensures that a television only makes a remote
    //by the same manufacturer
    public abstract Remote<M> makeRemote();

    public int getChannel(){
        return channel;

    public void setChannel(int c){

public class SamsungTelevision extends Television<Samsung>{
    private int channel;

    public Remote<Samsung> makeRemote(){
        return new SamsungRemote();


public class SonyTelevision extends Television<Sony>{
    private int channel;

    public Remote<Sony> makeRemote(){
        return new SonyRemote();


public abstract class Remote<M extends Manufacturer>{

    //this ensures that a remote only works with a remote
    //by the same manufacturer
    public abstract void changeChannel(Television<M> t,int channel);

public class SamsungRemote extends Remote<Samsung>{

    public void changeChannel(Television<Samsung> t,int channel){
        System.out.println("Samsung: Channel has been switched");


public class SonyRemote extends Remote<Sony>{

    public void changeChannel(Television<Sony> t,int channel){
        System.out.println("Sony: Channel has been switched");

public class Driver{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Television<Samsung> t = new SamsungTelevision();
        Television<Sony> t1 = new SonyTelevision();
        Remote<Samsung> r=t.makeRemote();
        System.out.println("Samsung current channel: " + t.getChannel());

        //generates a compile time error because r is a samsung remote and
        //t1 is a Sony TV
        //System.out.println("Sony current channel: " + t1.getChannel());



public static <M extends Manufacturer> void doSomethingWithTVOfAnyMake(Television<M> tv){
        int myChannel = tv.getChannel();
        //do more stuff...

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Factory Method pattern


Factory method applied to TV code


这正是Collection.iterator()的工作原理。此外,Java API中没有记录许多具体的Iterator(它们是具体集合的内部类,请参阅How does the Java class ArrayList return an Iterator Object?)。
