
时间:2015-09-25 23:03:45

标签: org-mode org-babel

在org-mode中考虑以下MVE - 它详细地包含了我的完整问题。但是,总而言之,对于某些代码块,当我导出文档时,对其他代码块的某些noweb引用将被内联替换,并且,对于其他代码块,双引号引号中的noweb引用将逐字复制到导出的PDF中。我不知道造成这种差异的原因是什么,我不知道如何控制它,但我还是愿意。我希望能够指定某些块具有行为1(引用已替换),而其他块具有行为2(引用逐字)。

org-export产生的PDF格式为at this link

The emacs lisp block must export results, even though the results are none,
otherwise the block will not be eval'ed on export, and we will get 
unacceptable confirmation requests for all the subsequent python blocks. 

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :results none
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)

** PyTests

   Define the test and cases. This code must be tangled out to an external file
   so =py.test= can see it.

   When I /export/ this to PDF, the noweb references, namely =<<imports>>= and
   =<<definitions>>=, are substituted inline, so the typeset version of this
   block in the PDF shows ALL the code.  This is not what I want.

#+NAME: test-block
#+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes :tangle 
def test_smoke ():
    np.testing.assert_approx_equal (foo_func (), foo_constant)

#+RESULTS: test-block
: None

   The following blocks import prerequisites and do a quick smoke test:

** Do Some Imports

#+NAME: imports
#+BEGIN_SRC python 
import numpy as np

#+RESULTS: imports
: None

** Define Some Variables

   However, in the typeset PDF, the noweb reference =<<foo-func>>= in the block
   below is /not/ substituted in-line, but rather appears verbatim. I want /all/
   noweb references to appear verbatim in the exported, typeset, PDF document,
   just like this one.

#+NAME: definitions
#+BEGIN_SRC python 
foo_constant = 42.0

#+RESULTS: definitions

** Define Some Functions

*** Foo Function is Really Interesting

#+NAME: foo-func
#+BEGIN_SRC python
def foo_func () :
    return 42.000

#+RESULTS: foo-func
: None

We want results from pytest whether it succeeds or fails, hence the /OR/ with
=true= in the shell

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output replace :exports both
py.test || true

: ============================= test session starts ==============================
: platform darwin -- Python 2.7.10, pytest-2.8.0, py-1.4.30, pluggy-0.3.1
: rootdir: /Users/bbeckman/foo, inifile: 
: collected 1 items
: .
: =========================== 1 passed in 0.06 seconds ===========================

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)

找到合适的references here

Here is a corrected PDF exported from the following .org file


The emacs lisp block must export results, even though the exports are none,
otherwise the block will not be eval'ed on export, and we will get unacceptable
confirmation requests for all the subsequent python blocks.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :results none
  (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)

** PyTests

   Define the test and cases. This code must be tangled out to an external file
   so =py.test= can see it.

   When I /export/ this to PDF, the noweb references, namely =<<imports>>= and
   =<<definitions>>=, are *NOT* substituted inline, but typeset verbatim. This
   is what I want.  You get this behavior by saying =:noweb no-export= in the

#+NAME: test-block
#+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle :noweb no-export :exports code :results none
dummy_for_org_mode = True
def test_smoke ():
    np.testing.assert_approx_equal (foo_func (), foo_constant)

   The following blocks import prerequisites and do a quick smoke test:

** Do Some Imports

#+NAME: imports 
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports code :results none
  import numpy as np

** Define Some Variables and Functions

   In this block, I want the noweb reference =<<foo-func>>= in the block to be
   substituted in-line and not to appear verbatim. Do that by saying
   =:noweb yes= in the header.

#+NAME: definitions 
#+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb yes :exports code :results none
  foo_constant = 42.0

** Define Some Functions

*** Foo Function is Really Interesting

Here, I want to talk about the implementation of foo function in detail, but I
don't want its code to be exported again, just to appear in the original file as I reminder or note to me.

#+NAME: foo-func 
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports none :results none
  def foo_func () :
      return 42.000

** Run the Tests

We want results from pytest whether it succeeds or fails, hence the /OR/ with
=true= in the shell

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output replace :exports both
  py.test || true

: ============================= test session starts ==============================
: platform darwin -- Python 2.7.10, pytest-2.8.0, py-1.4.30, pluggy-0.3.1
: rootdir: /Users/bbeckman/foo, inifile: 
: collected 1 items
: .
: =========================== 1 passed in 0.08 seconds ===========================