按照此question中的建议,我尝试绘制数据的log2值,并在水平和垂直轴上显示刻度标签,作为2的幂。但是我没有得到所需的刻度沿任一轴的标签。在两个轴上,我希望刻度标签显示为2的整数幂,即在x轴上:3和4,在y轴上:0,-1,-2,-3, - 4和-5。这是我的代码:
x = [ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]
Tcomm = [ 0.0357, 0.0515, 0.0745, 0.0956, 0.122, 0.1596, 0.2005, 0.2443, 0.2873, 0.3752, 0.4148, 0.5102, 0.5882 ]
plot(log2(x), log2(Tcomm), 'ko')
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]) %# suppress current x-labels
xt = get(gca, 'XTick');
yl = get(gca, 'YLim');
str = cellstr( num2str(xt(:),'2^{%d}') ); %# format x-ticks as 2^{xx}
hTxt = text(xt, yl(ones(size(xt))), str, ... %# create text at same locations
'Interpreter','tex', ... %# specify tex interpreter
'VerticalAlignment','top', ... %# v-align to be underneath
'HorizontalAlignment','center'); %# h-aligh to be centered
ylim([log2(0.0357), log2(0.58825)])
set(gca, 'YTickLabel',[])
xt = get(gca, 'YTick');
yl = get(gca, 'XLim');
str = cellstr( num2str(xt(:),'2^{%d}') ); %# format x-ticks as 2^{xx}
hTxt = text(xt, yl(ones(size(xt))), str, ... %# create text at same locations
'Interpreter','tex', ... %# specify tex interpreter
'VerticalAlignment','middle', ... %# v-align to be underneath
'HorizontalAlignment','right'); %# h-aligh to be centered
答案 0 :(得分:0)
ylim([log2(0.0357), log2(0.58825)])
set(gca, 'YTickLabel',[])
xt = get(gca, 'YTick');
yl = get(gca, 'XLim');
str = cellstr( num2str(xt(:),'2^{%d}') ); %# format x-ticks as 2^{xx}
hTxt = text( yl(ones(size(xt))),xt, str, ... %# create text at same locations
'Interpreter','tex', ... %# specify tex interpreter
'VerticalAlignment','middle', ... %# v-align to be underneath
'HorizontalAlignment','right'); %# h-aligh to be centered