我试图添加" OPTION(RECOMPILE)"到我的一些NHibernate查询结束。我发现了以下帖子:
var query = session.Query<Foo>().OptionRecompile().ToList();
var query = session.Query<Foo>().Where(f => f.Bar.OptionRecompile()).ToList();
答案 0 :(得分:2)
// First part
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using Rhino.Commons.LocalDataImpl;
namespace Rhino.Commons
/// <summary>
/// This class is key for handling local data, data that is private
/// to the current context, be it the current thread, the current web
/// request, etc.
/// </summary>
public static class Local
static readonly ILocalData current = new LocalData();
static readonly object LocalDataHashtableKey = new object();
private class LocalData : ILocalData
static Hashtable thread_hashtable;
private static Hashtable Local_Hashtable
if (!RunningInWeb)
return thread_hashtable ??
thread_hashtable = new Hashtable()
Hashtable web_hashtable = HttpContext.Current.Items[LocalDataHashtableKey] as Hashtable;
HttpContext.Current.Items[LocalDataHashtableKey] = web_hashtable = new Hashtable();
return web_hashtable;
public object this[object key]
get { return Local_Hashtable[key]; }
set { Local_Hashtable[key] = value; }
public void Clear()
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current data
/// </summary>
/// <value>The data.</value>
public static ILocalData Data
get { return current; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether running in the web context
/// </summary>
/// <value><c>true</c> if [running in web]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
public static bool RunningInWeb
get { return HttpContext.Current != null; }
// Second part
using System;
using Rhino.Commons;
namespace IDL.Core.Util.NHibernate
public class NhSqlAppender : IDisposable
private static string sql;
private int usages = 1;
public NhSqlAppender()
public NhSqlAppender(string sqlToAppend)
sql = sqlToAppend;
public static NhSqlAppender Append(string sqlToAppend)
var currentAppender = Current;
if (currentAppender == null)
Current = new NhSqlAppender(sqlToAppend);
currentAppender = Current;
return currentAppender;
public static NhSqlAppender Current
get { return Local.Data["NhSqlAppender"] as NhSqlAppender; }
protected set { Local.Data["NhSqlAppender"] = value; }
public static string Sql
get { return (IsValid) ? sql : string.Empty; }
public static bool AppendSql
get { return IsValid; }
public void IncrementUsages()
public void DecrementUsages()
private static bool IsValid
get { return (Current != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sql)); }
public void Dispose()
if (usages <= 1)
Current = null;
// Third part
namespace IDL.Core.Util.NHibernate
public class NhQueryHint : NhSqlAppender
public static NhSqlAppender Recompile()
return Append("OPTION(RECOMPILE)");
// Fourth part
using System;
using IDL.Core.Util.NHibernate;
using NHibernate;
namespace IDL.Core.Configuration
public class NhSqlAppenderInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
public override NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString OnPrepareStatement(NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString sql)
if (NhSqlAppender.AppendSql)
return sql.Insert(sql.Length, (" " + NhSqlAppender.Sql));
return base.OnPrepareStatement(sql);
// Fifth part
// You need to register the interceptor with NHibernate
// cfg = NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration
cfg.SetInterceptor(new NhSqlAppenderInterceptor());
// Finally, usage
using (NhQueryHint.Recompile())
var results = IQueryable<T>.ToList();