我找到了this function online,我希望将它与保存在硬盘上的wave文件一起使用。 你能帮我搞清楚怎么做吗?应该使用哪些参数作为函数的输入,以及如何从波形文件中获取它们?通过FFT?
def lms(x, d, p, mu, w0=None):
""" Finds the LMS adaptive filter w based on the inputs
Adapted from the Hayes MATLAB code.
x: input data to the filter, Nx1 vector
d: desired output signal, Nx1 vector
p: filter order
mu: step size, scalar or Nx1 vector
w0: initial guess (optional)
w: filter coefficient matrix: w[n,p] where
n is the time index and
p is the filter tap index
e: error sequence e(n): Nx1 vector
# Initialize
N = len(x)
X = convm.convm(x, p)
if not w0:
w0 = np.zeros(p)
# Promote mu to be a vector if it's not already
if not isinstance(mu, np.ndarray):
mu = np.ones(N) * mu
w = np.zeros((N,p))
e = np.zeros(N)
w[0,:] = w0
# Run the filter
for n in xrange(N-1):
y = np.dot(w[n,:], X[n,:])
e[n] = d[n] - y
w[n+1,:] = w[n,:] + mu[n] * e[n] * X[n,:].conj()
return w, e