
时间:2015-09-23 15:59:58

标签: javascript




function template(content, values) {

    for(prop in values) {

        content = content.replace('{{' + prop + '}}', values[prop]);


    return content;

alert(template('Hello {{name}}. Your primary number is {{phones.primary}}', {

    name: 'Mickey Mouse',
    phones: {
        primary: '123-123-1234'


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


function template(content, values) {
    // This will search the string for `{{name}}`
    // The 1st param to the callback is the entire match (`{{name}}`)
    // and the 2nd is the first capture group (`name`).
    return content.replace(/{{(.+?)}}/g, function(match, prop){
        // Convert keys like `phones.primary` into an array of paths
        // then "reduce" that array into one value.
        // This lets us go through the object and drill down
        // until we get the value we want.
        return prop.split('.').reduce(function(obj, key){
            return obj[key];
        }, values);

答案 1 :(得分:2)


function evaluateProperty(values, path) {
    var parts = path.split(".");
    var result = values;

    parts.forEach(function(part) {
        result = result[part];

    return result;

function template(content, values) {

    content = content.replace(/\{\{(.*?)\}\}/g, function(match, a) {
        return evaluateProperty(values, a);

    return content;

alert(template('Hello {{name}}. Your primary number is {{phones.primary}}', {
    name: 'Mickey Mouse',
    phones: {
        primary: '123-123-1234'

答案 2 :(得分:0)



      given a template string, returns a function that can be passed data and will return the populated string
     function compile_template(str)
          var replace_in = function(rep, pre, prop_name, val)
              if(typeof val == "object")
                  if(rep.search(new RegExp("\\{\\{" + pre + prop_name , "g")) >= 0)
                    _.each(val, function(v, k){ rep = replace_in(rep, pre + prop_name + ".", k, v); });
                  return rep;
                  return rep.replace(new RegExp("\\{\\{" + pre + prop_name + "\\}\\}", "g"), val);
        return  function(obj)
                  var representation = str;    
                  _.each(obj, function(v, k)
                      representation = replace_in(representation, "", k, v);
                  return clean_representation(representation);
       removes any unmatched mustache variables from the string.
     function clean_representation(str)
         return str.replace(/\{\{[^}]*\}\}/g, "");

     //var mytemplate_f = compile_template("Hello {{name}}. Your primary number is {{phones.primary}}");
     //console.log(mytemplate_f({name:"Mickey Mouse", phones:{primary:"555-5555"}})); => "Hello Mickey Mouse. Your primary number is 555-5555"
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