Private Sub CommandAddButton1_Click()
lastrow = Sheets("Program status summary").Range("B").End(xlDown).Row 'shows the above mention error'
Cells(lastrow + 1, "B").Value = TextBoxProjCode.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "C").Value = TextBoxProjName.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "D").Value = TextBoxSector.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "E").Value = TextBoxObjective.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "H").Value = TextBoxProjSponsor.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "G").Value = TextBoxProjSponsorNew.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "F").Value = TextBoxProjM.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "T").Value = TextBoxRegulatory.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "N").Value = TextBoxRiskLvl.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "M").Value = TextBoxDatePar.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "J").Value = TextBoxCostPar.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "O").Value = TextBoxAffectCust.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "Q").Value = TextBoxCustNonRetail.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "P").Value = TextBoxCustRetail.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "S").Value = TextBoxOutsourcingImp.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "R").Value = TextBoxKeyStatus.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "K").Value = TextBoxSchStart.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "L").Value = TextBoxSchEnd.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "V").Value = TextBoxRagSchedule.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "U").Value = TextBoxRagFinancial.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "W").Value = TextBoxRagBenefit.Text
Cells(lastrow + 1, "I").Value = TextBoxCost.Text
Unload AddProject
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Private Sub CommandAddButton1_Click()
Dim sh As Worksheet: Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Program status summary")
Dim emptyRow As Integer: emptyRow = 1 + sh.UsedRange.Find(ComboBoxProjSizes.Text).End(xlDown).row
With sh
.Cells(emptyRow, "A").Value = 1 + Application.Max(.Columns(1)) ' to generate a new identifier in column 1
.Cells(emptyRow, "B").Value = TextBoxProjCode.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "C").Value = TextBoxProjName.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "D").Value = TextBoxSector.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "E").Value = TextBoxObjective.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "H").Value = TextBoxProjSponsor.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "G").Value = TextBoxProjSponsorNew.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "F").Value = TextBoxProjM.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "T").Value = TextBoxRegulatory.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "N").Value = TextBoxRiskLvl.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "M").Value = TextBoxDatePar.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "J").Value = TextBoxCostPar.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "O").Value = TextBoxAffectCust.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "Q").Value = TextBoxCustNonRetail.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "P").Value = TextBoxCustRetail.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "S").Value = TextBoxOutsourcingImp.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "R").Value = TextBoxKeyStatus.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "K").Value = TextBoxSchStart.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "L").Value = TextBoxSchEnd.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "V").Value = TextBoxRagSchedule.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "U").Value = TextBoxRagFinancial.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "W").Value = TextBoxRagBenefit.Text
.Cells(emptyRow, "I").Value = TextBoxCost.Text
End With
Unload AddProject
End Sub