
时间:2015-09-23 02:30:55

标签: c# inheritance singleton factory


public abstract class SingletonBase<T> 
    where T : SingletonBase<T>, new()
    private static T _instance = new Lazy<T>(() => new T());
    public static T Instance
            return _instance;

public abstract class DefaultConfigData: SingletonBase<DefaultConfigData>
    // This class won't compile since it's abstract, and SingletonBase<T>
    // has a new() restriction on T
    // Also, this class is immutable and doesn't change state
    public virtual string SomeData { get; } = "My Default Data String";

    public virtual double MoreData { get; } = 2.71;

    public virtual double SomeFunction(double num)
        { return num + 2*MoreData; }
    public DefaultConfigData() { ; /* nothing to do here */ }

    // Another 50 or so default values/functions...
    // enough to be tedious to redefine in multiple places,
    // and adding a constructor that takes every value would be ridiculous.
    // It would be possible to encapsulate this data, but I'm not
    // yet sure how this should be done, so I haven't gone there yet

public class SpecificConfigData1: DefaultConfigData
    public override string SomeData { get; } = "A Different String";
    public SpecificConfigData1() { ; /* nothing to do here */ }

public class SpecificConfigData2: DefaultConfigData
    public override double MoreData { get; } = 3.14;
    public SpecificConfigData2() { ; /* nothing to do here */ }

// Downstream developers may need to define additional ConfigData classes

public class Library
    public static double doSomething(DefaultConfigData data) { return data.MoreData + 2.0; }

public class Program
    private readonly DefaultConfigData data;
    public Program(bool choice)
        data = (choice) ? SpecificConfigData1.Instance : SpecificConfigData2.Instance;

    public static void Main()
        Program prog = new Program(/*run-time user input here*/);


我不想让DefaultConfigData及其数据保持静态,因为我无法继承它并让我的库函数知道如何与它进行交互(不支持元类中的元数据) C#)。另外,我不想使用界面,因为很多功能都是共享的,我无法在界面中定义它。




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public abstract class DefaultConfigData<T>: SingletonBase<T>
    where T : DefaultConfigData<T>, new()
{ }


public static double doSomething<T>(DefaultConfigData<T> data)
    where T : DefaultConfigData<T>, new()
    return data.MoreData + 2.0;


public static class MyFactory<T>
    private static Lazy<T> _instance = new Lazy<T>(CreateUsingReflection);
    public static T Instance
            return _instance.Value;

    private static T CreateUsingReflection()
        BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
        ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(flags, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);
        return (T)ctor.Invoke(null);


SpecificConfigData1 scd1 = MyFactory<SpecificConfigData1>.Instance;

请注意,您的所有类都不需要从MyFactory继承。只要你有一个无参数构造函数,你就可以自由地创建从任何东西(或什么都没有)继承的类。您可以使用T限制MyFactory<T>中的where T : new(),在这种情况下,您将获得编译时保证该类支持无参数的公共构造函数,并且可以通过使用创建类来避免反射只是new T()。如果没有new()限制,它可以使用私有构造函数创建单例,但是您将失去无参数构造函数存在的编译时检查。
