C# - 拒绝访问路径,无法访问文件

时间:2015-09-22 10:30:14

标签: c# access-denied

我正在处理一个项目,该项目存放在一个存储区域(例如记忆棒或下载)中的一系列图像,并根据图像名称将它们分发到各自的文件夹中 - 应该与各自文件夹中文件的名称相对应。

为了实现这一点,我编写了代码的前几个函数,并决定通过更改代码来测试它,以便它可以对My Pictures文件夹中的文件集合执行处理。 应该发生的事情是文件夹中的每个文件都被复制到AppData中名为“新图像”的文件夹中,并添加到相应的子目录中,或者在必要时创建子目录。

这引发了一个错误,指出访问C:\Users\mark虽然它没有解释为什么或该怎么办。 我认为这可能是访问“我的图片”文件夹时遇到的问题,因此我将图像复制到一个名为“测试图像”的文件夹中。在AppData文件夹中(所以程序现在只是在AppData中的两个文件夹之间传输文件)。发生了同样的错误,我真的不知道下一步该做什么,我以前多次写过和读取AppData中的文件,从未遇到过这个问题。我也在这个论坛上阅读了与此相关的各种条目,但似乎无法就下一步做什么得到明确的答案!


    //main folder (Contains sub-folders for each patient)
    string rootDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\New Images";
    //variables for sub-directories cannot be given at this point as they are created using a part of the image name
    string subDirectory;
    //string subDirectory = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, imageName.Split('_')[0]);
    string imageName;
    //string imageName = Path.GetFileName(image)
    string shortcutDirectory;
    //string shortcutDirectory = My Documents + Subfolder name + file name
    //list to hold all strings as bitmap image
    List<Bitmap> images = new List<Bitmap>();

    public void createDirectory()
        //create filing construct for all files passed in from machines

        //if main folder does not exist in AppData
        if (!Directory.Exists(rootDirectory))
            //create it

    public void saveLatestImages()
        //specific path for My Pictures only
        string testImagesPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Test Images";
        //if there is a Pictures folder
        if (Directory.Exists(testImagesPath))
            //get number of files in folder
            int fileCount = Directory.GetFiles(testImagesPath).Count();

            //more than one file in folder
            if (fileCount > 0)
                //create data structures to store file info
                //filePaths holds path of each file represented as a string
                string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Test Images");

                //for each file in Pictures...
                for (int index = 0; index < fileCount; ++index)
                    //get name of image at current index
                    imageName = filePaths[index];
                    //separate the part relating to the patient name (everything before (DD/MM/YYYY))
                    string subSpecifier = imageName.Split('_')[0];
                    //add to root directory to form subfolder name
                    subDirectory = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, subSpecifier);

                    //subdirectory name formulated, check for pre-existing
                    //subfolder does not exist
                        //create it
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(subDirectory); //ERROR OCCURS
                    //otherwise, file will be added to existing directory

                    //take everything from end and folder\file division to get unique filename
                    string fileName = imageName.Split('\\').Last();
                    //add this to the existing subDirectory
                    fileName = Path.Combine(subDirectory, fileName);

                    //copy the image into the subfolder using this unique filename
                    File.Copy(imageName, fileName);

                    //add full filename to list of bitmap images
                    images.Add(new Bitmap(fileName));

                    //update the shortcut to the file in the image storage shortcut folder
                    shortcutDirectory = getShortcut(subSpecifier, fileName);

                    //delete image at original path (clear folder so images not copied on next load up)


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答案 1 :(得分:1)

这是一个ASP.net Web应用程序吗?在这种情况下,您可以尝试向IIS_IUSRS帐户提供写入权限。

解决这个问题的技巧是ASP.net Impersonation。
