昨天我尝试使用小JSON创建带有巨大JSON的文件,通过查询它们。我的文件大小变为1,5 Gb程序后卡住了。我试图了解,原因是什么,并在v8论坛上发现了一篇帖子。 Somebosy说,v8对X64架构有1Gb的内存限制。但它是在2010年发布的。现代节点中是否存在内存使用限制?
var hrTimeStart = process.hrtime();
var hrTimeStartNS = hrTimeStart[0] * 1000000000 + hrTimeStart[1];
function hrTimeDelta(){
var hrTime = process.hrtime();
var ns = hrTime[0] * 1000000000 + hrTime[1] - hrTimeStartNS;
var ns_del = "000000000" + ns % 1000000000;
return "" + Math.floor(ns / 1000000000) + ":" + ns_del.substring(ns_del.length - 9, ns_del.length);
function say(message) {
console.log("[MAIN] (" + hrTimeDelta() + "): " + message);
say("before original json load");
var _json = require('./jsons/40k.json');
say("after original json load");
var _zoom = Zoom(_json);
say("after json zooming");
process.on('exit', function(){
say("That's All");
function Zoom(_json){
// just for clone only
var _json_ = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_json));
// to create additional group of items and push to "_json_" array
// they are equal to the original, but item.name will be different
// litera from "A" (== 65) to "Z" (== 90) will be added
// up to 69(E) will be OK, but after - it is stoned
for (var i = 65; i < 91; i++){
say("try to add -----> " + i + " (" + String.fromCharCode(i) + "), Current Lenght == " + _json_.length);
for (var j = 0; j < _json.length; j++){
// This line is parsed for clone one item.
var item = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_json[j]));
item.name += String.fromCharCode(32, i);
say("after adding -----> " + i + " (" + String.fromCharCode(i) + "), Current Lenght == " + _json_.length);
return _json_;