
时间:2015-09-21 16:27:12

标签: c# regex wpf logfile-analysis

我有一个不断添加的日志(比如每秒1-5行),文件可能会变得相当大20MB +


[Wed Aug 26 00:01:48 2015] You try to kick a snake, but miss!
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:50 2015] A snake hits YOU for 3 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:51 2015] You punch a snake for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:51 2015] A decaying skeleton tries to hit Clumsy, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:53 2015] A snake hits YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:53 2015] A decaying skeleton tries to hit Clumsy, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:54 2015] You gain experience!!
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:54 2015] You punch a snake for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:54 2015] You have slain a snake!
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:56 2015] --You have looted a Snake Egg.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:56 2015] A decaying skeleton tries to hit Clumsy, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:57 2015] --You have decided to not loot 2 item(s): Snake Fang. The item(s) will be available to anyone after the corpse(s) unlock.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:57 2015] --You have decided to not loot 2 item(s): Snake Scales. The item(s) will be available to anyone after the corpse(s) unlock.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:59 2015] a decaying skeleton's corpse splinters into hundreds of tiny bone fragments.
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:59 2015] Clumsy crushes a decaying skeleton for 7 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:59 2015] a decaying skeleton has been slain by Clumsy!
[Wed Aug 26 00:01:59 2015] Auto attack is on.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:00 2015] Grug tells General:2, 'LFM AM/LORD'
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:00 2015] You punch a large rat for 5 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:00 2015] A large rat bites YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:00 2015] You kick a large rat for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:02 2015] You punch a large rat for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:03 2015] A large rat tries to bite YOU, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:06 2015] You punch a large rat for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:06 2015] A large rat bites YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:08 2015] a decaying skeleton clatters as it turns towards you.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:08 2015] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Gorenaire has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating Kyrax along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:08 2015] Clumsy tries to crush a decaying skeleton, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:08 2015] A decaying skeleton tries to hit Clumsy, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:09 2015] A large rat tries to bite YOU, but YOU dodge!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:09 2015] You try to punch a large rat, but miss!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:11 2015] Clumsy crushes a decaying skeleton for 8 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:11 2015] A decaying skeleton hits Clumsy for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:11 2015] You kick a large rat for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:12 2015] A large rat bites YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2015] You gain experience!!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2015] You punch a large rat for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2015] You have slain a large rat!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2015] Clumsy crushes a decaying skeleton for 8 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:14 2015] A decaying skeleton hits Clumsy for 3 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:15 2015] --You have decided to not loot 1 item(s): Piece of Rat Fur. The item(s) will be available to anyone after the corpse(s) unlock.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:15 2015] --You have decided to not loot 2 item(s): Rat Whiskers. The item(s) will be available to anyone after the corpse(s) unlock.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:16 2015] a decaying skeleton's corpse splinters into hundreds of tiny bone fragments.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:18 2015] Auto attack is on.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:18 2015] a snake hisses and strikes!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:18 2015] You punch a snake for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:18 2015] A snake tries to hit YOU, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:20 2015] You kick a snake for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:21 2015] You try to punch a snake, but miss!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:21 2015] A snake hits YOU for 4 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:24 2015] A snake tries to hit YOU, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:25 2015] You try to punch a snake, but a snake parries!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:27 2015] A snake tries to hit YOU, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:28 2015] You kick a snake for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:28 2015] You try to punch a snake, but miss!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:30 2015] A snake hits YOU for 2 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:32 2015] You try to punch a snake, but miss!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:33 2015] A snake tries to hit YOU, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:36 2015] You punch a snake for 5 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:36 2015] A snake hits YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:37 2015] You kick a snake for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:39 2015] A snake hits YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:40 2015] You gain experience!!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:40 2015] You punch a snake for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:40 2015] You have slain a snake!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:42 2015] --You have looted a Snake Egg.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:42 2015] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Innoruuk has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating Harken along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:43 2015] --You have decided to not loot 1 item(s): Snake Scales. The item(s) will be available to anyone after the corpse(s) unlock.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:46 2015] Auto attack is on.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:46 2015] You punch a large rat for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:46 2015] A large rat tries to bite YOU, but misses!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:47 2015] You try to kick a large rat, but miss!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:47 2015] You punch a large rat for 6 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:49 2015] A large rat bites YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:51 2015] You gain experience!!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:51 2015] You punch a large rat for 5 points of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:51 2015] You have slain a large rat!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:53 2015] --You have decided to not loot 1 item(s): Piece of Rat Fur. The item(s) will be available to anyone after the corpse(s) unlock.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:53 2015] --You have decided to not loot 2 item(s): Scalded Rat Skin. The item(s) will be available to anyone after the corpse(s) unlock.--
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:56 2015] Auto attack is on.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:56 2015] You try to punch a large rat, but miss!
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:56 2015] A large rat bites YOU for 1 point of damage.
[Wed Aug 26 00:02:57 2015] You kick a large rat for 1 point of damage.


Properties.Settings.Default.setting_logfolder // Folder Path
Properties.Settings.Default.setting_logfile // File Name



    private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (btnStart.Text == "Start Parsing")
            // change text on button and switch status image
            btnStart.Text = "Stop Parsing";
            pbStatus.Image = Properties.Resources.online;

            string logfile = Properties.Settings.Default.setting_logfolder += Properties.Settings.Default.setting_logfile;

            if (File.Exists(logfile))
                Stream stream = File.Open(logfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
                string str = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            btnStart.Text = "Start Parsing";
            pbStatus.Image = Properties.Resources.offline;


[Wed Aug 26 00:02:08 2015] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: XXXXXXXXX has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating XXXXXX along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我的答案是“for C#”




\[[\w :]+\] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: \w+ has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating \w+ along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!


你当前的算法会执行一个ReadToEnd(),它不会读取单个行并且一次一个地咳嗽它们,这似乎是你想做的事情(?!也许!! ??!)。相反,它会读到流(文件)的末尾,然后咳嗽整个文件。

this answer to a related question中简要介绍了一个使用FileSystemWatcher的方法 - 对FileSystemWatcher有一些注意事项,但它应该是更“纯粹的.Net方法”



cat chase.dat -tail 1 -wait | ?{$_ -match '<#regex#>'}


<强> GUI!

如果你想组合GUI和PowerShell,上面的PS脚本行将传递给PipelineExecutor中概述的类中的“this article”构造函数,然后更新指定的属性(例如TextBox.Text)每当脚本返回更多(在本例中为已过滤)文本时。


答案 1 :(得分:1)

以下是使用FileWatcher Class

 public static Watchfile() 
         FileSystemWatcher watch = new FileSystemWatcher();
         watch.Path = @"C:\";
         watch.Filter = "log.txt";
         watch.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess |    

        watch.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
       watch.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

 private static void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)

    string line;
         if (e.FullPath == @"C:\log.txt")
             Regex _regex = new Regex(@"\[[\w :]+\] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: \w+ has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating \w+ along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!");
             System.IO.StreamReader file =
                       new System.IO.StreamReader(@"C:\log.txt");

             while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                 Match match = _regex.Match(line);
                 if (match.Success)

                     //Match Found





答案 2 :(得分:0)



\w+ has been defeated by a group of hardy adventurers! Please join us in congratulating \w+ along with everyone else who participated in this achievement!$



答案 3 :(得分:-1)


-using (var fileStream = new FileStream("YOUR FILE", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))
    using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
        string line;
        while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
          if(line == "YOUR TEXT")
           // Do the rest
