我的目标是在整个SharePoint网站中修改列表项(包括显示名称,文件名,标题,URL等)。由于主要的业务重组改变了业务层次结构和项目名称,因此需要这样做。我们有太多的文件和URL可以手动编辑它们。我们需要对整个SharePoint站点中的所有列表项执行相当于搜索和替换的操作。到目前为止,我们发现用于更新列表项的代码示例都是简单的set-a-flag操作样式,对所有列表项使用相同的值,但我们需要读取每个列表项的内容并使用这些值作为新更新值的一部分(除非SPServices / SharePoint具有一些等效的Unix grep / sed命令)。
对于开发和测试,我已将以下HTML / javascript代码添加到内容编辑器Web部件(CEWP)的HTML部分,该部分位于MySite的内容页面上(因为我真的不想试验现场制作数据),此MySite还包括许多文本/ DOC / PPT / XLS文件,其中包含各种名称/标题/等等。目前,此脚本尝试修改名为“test4 blah.txt”的单个文件(最终我将替换此CAMLQuery以修改多组文件)。 javascript执行没有错误,成功找到查询列表项,并在GUI中显示所谓修改的列表项与所谓修改的新值(即从用户的GUI角度看,一切看起来都很成功),但是不幸的是,在幕后,SharePoint中的实际列表项永远不会被实际修改。执行此脚本时,没有错误消息打印到javascript控制台中。在代码的UpdateListItems部分中,我们尝试了很多关于内部静态名称,显示名称等的变体,但没有成功。
我们使用的是Microsoft SharePoint 2010,SPServices(jquery.SPServices-2014.01.min.js)和jQuery(jquery-1.11.0.min.js)。我有完整的网站集管理员权限。
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://MySiteName123/SiteAssets/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://MySiteName123/SiteAssets/jquery.SPServices.min.js"></script>
<title>Edit the file</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<style type="text/css">
.btn {
font-family: verdana;
font-weight: normal;
cursor: pointer;
color: #ffffff;
font-size: 16px;
background: #3498db;
padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
text-decoration: none;
.btn:hover {
background: #3cb0fd;
text-decoration: none;
<script type="text/javascript">
// Define some of our variables as "global" (to be accessible from our jQuery external libraries).
var modifiedListItems = 0;
var modifiedListItemsAttempted = 0;
var ms2min = 1 / (1000 * 60); // constant to convert milliseconds into minutes
function EditTheFile() {
myStartDate = new Date();
$('#ScriptStatus').append("Started running at " + myStartDate + "<br>");
// Loop through all sites in the site collection
myEndDate = new Date();
myDuration = (myEndDate - myStartDate) * ms2min; // date differences are calculated in milliseconds
$('#ScriptStatus').append("Finished running at " + myEndDate + "; duration was " + (Math.round(myDuration * 100) / 100) + " minutes" + "<br>");
$('#ScriptStatus').append("Number of modified List Items = " + modifiedListItems + " out of " + modifiedListItemsAttempted + " attempts" + "<br>");
function GetAllSites() {
operation: "GetAllSubWebCollection",
completefunc: function (xData, status) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("Webs > Web").each(function() {
mySiteTitle = $(this).attr("Title");
mySiteURL = $(this).attr("Url");
} // end of GetAllSites
function GetAllLists(mySite) {
operation: "GetListCollection",
webURL: mySite,
async: false,
completefunc: function (xData, status) {
$(xData.responseXML).find("List").each(function() {
myListTitle = $(this).attr("Title");
myListURL = $(this).attr("DefaultViewUrl");
myListType = GetListType( $(this).attr("BaseType") );
ModifyListItemURL(mySiteURL, myListURL, myListTitle);
} // end of GetAllLists
function ModifyListItemURL(myURL, myListURL, myListName) {
operation: "GetListItems",
webURL: myURL,
listName: myListName,
async: false,
CAMLQuery: "<Query><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name='FileLeafRef' /><Value Type='Text'>test4 blah</Value></Contains></Where></Query>",
CAMLViewFields: '<ViewFields Properties="True"/>',
completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode('z:row').each(function() {
var listItemID = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
var myListItemName = $(this).attr("ows_FileLeafRef"); // SharePoint display-name of "Name" is equivalent to internal-name of "FileLeafRef"
var myListItemURL = $(this).attr("ows_EncodedAbsUrl"); // SharePoint display-name of "Encoded Absolute URL" is equivalent to internal-name of "EncodedAbsUrl"
var myListItemTitle = $(this).attr("ows_Title");
// Modify the local variable's text values.
var new_myListItemName = myListItemName.replace("blah", "doubleplus-blah");
var new_myListItemURL = myListItemURL.replace("blah", "doubleplus-blah");
console.log("stevie17 modifyTheData for Name, oldString=" + myListItemName + ", newString=" + new_myListItemName);
console.log("stevie18 modifyTheData for EncodedAbsUrl, oldString=" + myListItemURL + ", newString=" + new_myListItemURL);
myListItemName = new_myListItemName;
myListItemURL = new_myListItemURL;
// Modify the data to have the newly-modified text values.
operation: 'UpdateListItems',
// webURL: myURL,
listName: myListName,
async: false,
updates: '<Batch><Method ID="1" Cmd="Update">'
+ '<Field Name="ID">' + listItemID + '</Field>'
// + '<Field Name="FileLeafRef">' + myListItemName + '</Field>'
// + '<Field Name="EncodedAbsUrl">' + myListItemURL + '</Field>'
// + '<Field Name="Name">' + myListItemName + '</Field>'
// + '<Field Name="Encoded Absolute URL">' + myListItemURL + '</Field>'
+ '<Field Name="ows_FileLeafRef">' + myListItemName + '</Field>'
+ '<Field Name="ows_EncodedAbsUrl">' + myListItemURL + '</Field>'
+ '</Method></Batch>',
completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
// Append information to the display table.
$('#ListInfoTable > tbody:last').append("" +
"<tr>" + // Start row
"<td>" + mySiteURL + "</td>" + // Site URL
"<td>" + mySiteTitle + "</td>" + // Site Title
"<td>" + myListName + "</td>" + // List Title
"<td>" + myListURL + "</td>" + // List URL
"<td>" + myListType + "</td>" + // List Type
"<td>" + myListItemURL + "</td>" + // List Item URL
"<td>" + myListItemName + "</td>" + // List Item Name
"<td>" + myListItemTitle + "</td>" + // List Item Title
"</tr>" +
if (Status != "success") {
alert("Something went wrong with the update procedure.");
else {
} // end of GetListItemURL
// Display a human-readable form for the item type.
function GetListType(myBaseType) {
var myBaseTypeDescription;
if ( myBaseType == 0 ) { myBaseTypeDescription = "Generic List"; }
else if ( myBaseType == 1 ) { myBaseTypeDescription = "Document Library"; }
else if ( myBaseType == 2 ) { myBaseTypeDescription = "Unused"; }
else if ( myBaseType == 3 ) { myBaseTypeDescription = "Discussion Board"; }
else if ( myBaseType == 4 ) { myBaseTypeDescription = "Survey"; }
else if ( myBaseType == 5 ) { myBaseTypeDescription = "Issue"; }
else { myBaseTypeDescription = "None"; }
return myBaseTypeDescription;
} // end of GetListType
<!-- Display GUI controls for the query operations. -->
<span class="btn" style="width:100px; text-align:center; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:10px; display:inline-block" onClick="javascript:EditTheFile();">Edit the file</span>
<!-- Display summary statistics about the query results. -->
<div id="ScriptStatus" style="padding:5px; margin-bottom:10px; border:thin gray solid; display:none;">
<!-- Display a table with the query results. -->
<table id="ListInfoTable" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="1">
<tr bgcolor="#E4E4E4">
<th>Site URL</th>
<th>Site Title</th>
<th>List Title</th>
<th>List URL</th>
<th>List Type</th>
<th>ListItem URL</th>
<th>ListItem Name</th>
<th>ListItem Title</th>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果您决定坚持编码路线,那么您需要善于在控制台中调试JavaScript。 UpdateListItems会在响应中给出错误(有时它们可能没有意义),您需要学习如何处理它们。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
使用SharePoint SOAP和REST服务,成功意味着查询已成功提交,不一定成功执行。您可以返回20x状态,但返回的数据中会显示错误消息。
此页面提供了如何更新文档库中的项目的示例: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/websvclists.lists.updatelistitems(v=office.14).aspx