var startButton = document.getElementById("startButton");
startButton.addEventListener("click", startClick);
function startClick() {
var intro = document.getElementById("intro");
intro.style.display = "none";
startButton.style.display = "none";
var question1 = document.getElementById("question1");
question1.style.display = "block";
var answerButton = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
answerButton[0].addEventListener("click", answerClick);
function answerClick(eventObject) {
var eventClick = eventObject.target;
var question = document.getElementsByClassName("question");
for(i= 0; i < question.length; i ++); {
question[i].style.display = "block";
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<div id="titleimage">
<img src="Parks-and-rec.jpg" alt="Parks and Rec Banner">
<div id="intro">
<h2>Take the quiz to see which Parks and Rec character is most like you!</h2>
<div id="startButton" class="button">
<h3>Let's get started!</h3>
<div id="question1" class="question">
<p>What is your favourite food?</p>
<ul id="answers1">
<li>Breakfast Food</li>
<li>Vegan Superfoods</li>
<div id="question2" class="question">
<p>What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?</p>
<ul id="answers2">
<li>Woodwork in solitary</li>
<li>Make stop motion 'movies'</li>
<div id="question3" class="question">
<p>What would you do on "treat yo'self" day?</p>
<ul id="answers3">
<li>Buy a Batman suit and be Batman</li>
<li>Go to my lakehouse by myself</li>
<li>Treat myself to waffles and friends</li>
<li>Run! Or maybe some yoga</li>
<div id="question4" class="question">
<p>What are you likely to be doing on a Friday night?</p>
<ul id="answers4">
<li>Cooking vegan hamburgers</li>
<li>Being alone, maybe with some Scotch</li>
<li>Still working or hanging out with my bestie</li>
<li>Watching Game of Thrones</li>
<div id="question5" class ="question" >
<p>What do you find funny?</p>
<ul id="answers5">
<li>Accounting puns</li>
<li>The Government</li>
<li>You can laugh at anything!</li>
<div id="results">
<div id="Leslie" class="result">
<p>You get Leslie Knope!</p>
<img src="leslie.jpg" alt="Leslie Knope giving two thumbs up!">
<div id="Ron" class="result">
<p>You got Ron Swanson!</p>
<img src="ron.png" alt="Ron Swanson smiling">
<div id="Ben" class="result">
<p>You got Ben Wyatt!</p>
<img src="ben.png" alt="Ben Wyatt">
<div id="Chris" class="result">
<p>You got Chirs Traeger!</p>
<img src="chris.png" alt="Chris Traeger saying good job">
<script type="application/javascript" src="quiz.js"></script>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var quizz = [
question: 'what is your favourite foode?',
answers : {
'breakfast': 'value that helps you calculate',
'calzone': 'value that helps you calculate'
question: 'other question?',
answers : {
'answer 1': 'value that helps you calculate',
'answer 2': 'value that helps you calculate'
至于获得答案,请确保正确使用html表单元素,获取其值并针对您的问题进行测试。你可以改变&#34; pagE&#34;只需更改问题包装器,或从问题对象渲染它(从quizz数组中渲染当前+ 1)。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
preg_match_all('@<Cell>(.*?)</Cell>@', $xml, $cells);
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function appendLists(&$v) {
global $ol, $ol2, $ul, $ul2, $olc, $ol2c, $ulc, $ul2c;
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// split to elements
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$ol[$olc][] = $this_value;
case 'ord_list2':
if ($output == '') $output .= '~!ol2-here!~';
$ol2[$ol2c][] = $this_value;
case 'list1':
if ($output == '') { $ulc++; $ul[$ulc] = array(); $output .= "~!ul1-$ulc-here!~"; }
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