Scanf不会将用户输入的值分配给变量| C

时间:2015-09-21 00:00:10

标签: c


// This program will act as a basic calculator`enter code here`
// The user will input two numbers and an operand. The program will print
// the result of the operation

int main()
    int first; //Variable for the first input of the user
    int sec;   //Variable for the second input of the user
    char operand[1]; //Variable for the operand inputed by the user
    int op, answer; //Dummy Variables for temp use
    printf("This is a simple calculator. Make sure you don't divide by 0!!\n");
    printf("Enter your first integer: ");
    scanf("%d", &first); //Ask the user to input the first number for the     calculation
    printf("\nEnter your second integer: ");
    scanf("%d", &sec); //Ask the user to input the second number for the calculation
    printf("Enter the operand.\n");
    scanf("%s", operand); //Ask the user to input the operand of the     calculation (+,-,*,/)
    printf("%i %s %i\n", first, operand, sec); //Display the calculaiton to be made
    op = (int) operand[0]; // converts the operand to an ASCII value

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

char operand[1]; //Variable for the operand inputed by the user


当您尝试阅读类似&#34; +&#34;从输入中,这是一个由两个字节组成的字符串:0x2B 0x00。由于内存仅分配给单个字符(operand[1]),0x2B在此处,终止空0x00意外地转到sec变量。

这称为buffer overflow。在您的情况下,解决方案是为字符串分配更多空间,或仅使用单个字符。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

添加到this answer这是正确的,因为它解决了实际问题,您可能希望指示scanf()只扫描一个字符,例如

scanf(" %c", operand);
/*     ^ this is needed with the %c specifier in order to skip spaces */


printf("%i %s %i\n", first, operand, sec);



char operand;

scanf(" %c", &operand);
/*     ^ this is needed with the %c specifier in order to skip spaces */


printf("%d %c %d\n", first, operand, sec);
/*       ^ is normally used instead of %i, though %i is correct */

答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:0)





因此代码执行一些未定义的行为,这可能导致任何事情,包括seg fault事件


op = (int) operand[0]; // converts the operand to an ASCII value

不会转换&#39;操作数&#39;到ascii值,它已经是一个ascii值(I.E + - / * etc)

它实际上做的是转换char&#39;操作数&#39; to int&#39; op&#39;