尝试获取Slim Framework中加载的所有路由的列表。需要知道如何使用自定义路由器类,该类添加一个方法来获取受保护的# io provides better access to files with working universal newline support
import io
# open a file in text mode, encoding all output to utf-8
output_file = io.open("output.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
rss = str(f)
soup = BeautifulSoup(rss)
entries = soup.findAll('entry')
for entry in entries:
author = entry.find('author')
# If not null or not empty
if author:
for name in author.findAll("name"):
# .text contains the actual Unicode string value
if name.text:
names = name.text.split(",", 1)
# If string contained a comma, you'll have two elements in a list
# else you'll just have the 1 length list
for flname in names:
# remove any whitespace on either side
output_file.write(flname.strip() + "\n")