
时间:2015-09-19 11:17:26

标签: hbase wal


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



id用于恢复目的。通过MapR docs让我们更深入地了解hbase架构。


  • 将编辑内容附加到存储在磁盘上的WAL文件的末尾。
  • WAL用于在服务器崩溃时恢复尚未持久的数据。

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如果id已启用 ..

如果0禁用,则可以消除写入m = df.value.diff().ne(0).cumsum().rename('gid') #Consecutive rows having the same value will be assigned same IDNumber by this command. #It is the way to identify a group of consecutive rows having the same value, so I called it groupID. df1 = df.groupby(['id', m]).value.value_counts().loc[:,:,0].droplevel(-1) #this groupby groups consecutive rows of same value per ID into separate groups. #within each group, count number of each value and `.loc` to pick specifically only `0` because we only concern on the count of value `0`. df1[~df1.index.duplicated()].reindex(df.id.unique(), fill_value=0) #There're several groups of value `0` per `id`. We want only group of highest count. #`value_count` already sorted number of count descending, so we just need to pick #the top one of duplicates by slicing on True/False mask of `duplicated`. #finally, `reindex` adding any `id` doesn't have value 0 in original `df`. #Note: `id` is the column `id` in `df`. It is different from groupID `m` we create to use with groupby Out[315]: id 354 3 357 2 540 0 Name: value, dtype: int64 的额外开销,直接对文件进行操作。



进一步阅读请参见my answer here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

HBase已经是own ACID semanticshttp://hbase.apache.org/acid-semantics.html

它需要一个WAL,以便它可以在RegionServer失败的情况下重放编辑。 WAL起着提供耐久性保证的重要作用。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

如果RegionServer崩溃,我们可以从WAL恢复编辑,如果没有WAL,则在刷新每个MemStore并写入新的StoreFiles之前,RegionServer发生故障时可能会丢失数据。 您可以找到更多信息here