以下是Pro ScalaFX的示例:
package proscalafx.ch02.stagecoach
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.beans.property.StringProperty
import scalafx.geometry.VPos
import scalafx.scene.control.{Button, CheckBox, Label, TextField}
import scalafx.scene.input.MouseEvent
import scalafx.scene.layout.{HBox, VBox}
import scalafx.scene.paint.Color
import scalafx.scene.shape.Rectangle
import scalafx.scene.text.Text
import scalafx.scene.{Group, Scene}
import scalafx.stage.{Screen, StageStyle}
/** Stage property example.
* Can be run with various command line parameters to control stage style:
* decorated - a solid white background and platform decorations (default).
* transparent - transparent background and no decorations.
* undecorated - a solid white background and no decorations.
* utility - a solid white background and minimal platform decorations used for a utility window.
* @author Rafael
object StageCoachMain extends JFXApp {
val titleProperty = StringProperty("")
// Process command line parameters
val stageStyle = parameters.unnamed match {
case Seq("transparent") => StageStyle.TRANSPARENT
case Seq("undecorated") => StageStyle.UNDECORATED
case Seq("utility") => StageStyle.UTILITY
case _ => StageStyle.DECORATED
lazy val textStageX = new Text {
textOrigin = VPos.Top
lazy val textStageY = new Text {
textOrigin = VPos.Top
lazy val textStageW = new Text {
textOrigin = VPos.Top
lazy val textStageH = new Text {
textOrigin = VPos.Top
lazy val textStageF = new Text {
textOrigin = VPos.Top
lazy val checkBoxResizable = new CheckBox {
text = "resizable"
// disable = stageStyle == StageStyle.TRANSPARENT || stageStyle == StageStyle.UNDECORATED
lazy val checkBoxFullScreen = new CheckBox {
text = "fullScreen"
lazy val titleTextField = new TextField {
text = "Stage Coach"
prefColumnCount = 15
stage = new PrimaryStage {
resizable = false
title <== titleProperty
scene = new Scene(370, 370) {
fill = Color.Transparent
root = new Group {
children = List(
new Rectangle {
width = 350
height = 350
arcWidth = 50
arcHeight = 50
fill = Color.SkyBlue
new VBox {
layoutX = 30
layoutY = 20
spacing = 10
children = List(
new HBox {
spacing = 10
children = List(
new Label("title:"),
new Button {
text = "toBack()"
onAction = handle {stage.toBack()}
new Button {
text = "toFront()"
onAction = handle {stage.toFront()}
new Button {
text = "close()"
onAction = handle {stage.close()}
//when mouse button is pressed, save the initial position of screen
val rootGroup = stage.scene().content(0)
var dragAnchorX = 0.0
var dragAnchorY = 0.0
rootGroup.onMousePressed = (me: MouseEvent) => {
dragAnchorX = me.screenX - stage.x.value
dragAnchorY = me.screenY - stage.y.value
rootGroup.onMouseDragged = (me: MouseEvent) => {
stage.x = me.screenX - dragAnchorX
stage.y = me.screenY - dragAnchorY
textStageX.text <== new StringProperty("x: ") + stage.x.asString
textStageY.text <== new StringProperty("y: ") + stage.y.asString
textStageW.text <== new StringProperty("width: ") + stage.width.asString
textStageH.text <== new StringProperty("height: ") + stage.height.asString
textStageF.text <== new StringProperty("focused: ") + stage.focused.asString
stage.resizable = false
// NOTE: Due to a bug in JavaFX (2.2.3+) Stage.resizableProperty(), cannot directly use binding here,
// see http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-25942
// TODO: Revert to binding once JavaFX bug is corrected
// stage.resizable <==> checkBoxResizable.selected
checkBoxResizable.selected.onChange {
// To avoid using resizableProperty, use delegate.setResizable()
// stage.resizable = checkBoxResizable.selected.get
checkBoxFullScreen.onAction = handle {
stage.fullScreen = checkBoxFullScreen.selected()
stage.title <== titleTextField.text
stage.onCloseRequest = handle {println("Stage is closing")}
val primScreenBounds = Screen.primary.visualBounds
stage.x = (primScreenBounds.width - stage.width()) / 2
stage.y = (primScreenBounds.height - stage.height()) / 2
val primScreenBounds = Screen.primary.visualBounds
stage.x = (primScreenBounds.width - stage.width()) / 2
stage.y = (primScreenBounds.height - stage.height()) / 2
似乎打算将窗口置于主屏幕的中心,但未能这样做(在OS X 10.10上,使用Java 1.8和Scala 2.11.7)。