
时间:2015-09-18 11:34:26

标签: javascript datatables


  1. 当我更新我的评分时,单击其在数据库中的更新,但不在数据表中。

  2. 因此,我无法在最后一栏中搜索或排序更新的数据。

  3. 当api要求更新启动时,我需要在数据表中获取更新数据 有解决方案吗这是代码:http://debug.datatables.net/uyidet

    $(document).ready(function() {
    							async : false
    							"order" : [ [ 2, "asc" ] ],
    							"aoColumnDefs" : [ {
    								"bSortable" : false,
    								"aTargets" : [2]
    							} ],
    							"drawCallback": function ( settings ) {
    					            var api = this.api();
    					            var rows = api.rows( {page:'current'} ).nodes();
    					            var last=null;
    					            api.column(2, {page:'current'} ).data().each( function ( group, i ) {
    					                if ( last !== group ) {					                	
    					                    $(rows).eq( i ).before(
    					                        '<tr class="group" style="background-color: #ddd !important"><td colspan="15">'+group+'</td></tr>'
    					                    last = group;
    					            } );
    						// Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
    						$('#table_id2 tfoot th')
    										function() {
    											var title = $('#table_id2 thead th')
    											if (title == 'First'
    											    || title == 'Last' 	
    											    || title=='GroupName'
    											    || title == 'Position'
    											    || title == 'Market'
    												|| title == 'Performance Rating'
    																'<input type="text" placeholder="Search '+title+'" />');
    						// DataTable
    						var table = $('#table_id2').DataTable();
    						// Apply the search
    						table.columns().eq(0).each(function(colIdx) {
    															'keyup',function() {	
    						// Order by the grouping
    					    $('#table_id2').on( 'click', 'tr.group', function () {
    					        var currentOrder = table.order()[0];
    					        if ( currentOrder[0] === 2 && currentOrder[1] === 'asc' ) {
    					            table.order( [ 2, 'desc' ] ).draw();
    					        else {
    					            table.order( [ 2, 'asc' ] ).draw();
    					    } );
    function performanceRatingStar(){
    	    	var rateYoDivId = this.id;
    	    	var rosterId_userId_fields = rateYoDivId.split(/_/);
    		    var rosterId = rosterId_userId_fields[0];
    			var replaceRosterId = rosterId.replace("rateYo", ""); 
    			var userId = rosterId_userId_fields[1];
    			var rateFromHiddenField = $('#hiddenRating'+replaceRosterId+"_"+userId).val(); 
    			var  pubId = $(this).attr('data-showPubPosiId');
    			var	  uId = $(this).attr('data-userId');
    	        onSet: function(rating, rateYoInstance)
    	        	getRate = rateFromHiddenField;
    	         onChange: function (rating, rateYoInstance) {
    	    	 if(rating == 0){
    	    	 $(this).next().text("Not Rated")
    			 }else if (rating == 1){
    			 $(this).next().text("Poor Performance");
    			 }else if (rating == 2){
    			 $(this).next().text("Needs Improvement");
    			 }else if (rating == 3){
    			 $(this).next().text("Solid Performance");
    			 }else if (rating == 4){
    			 $(this).next().text("Exceeded Expectations");
    			 }else if (rating == 5){
    			 $(this).next().text("Best In Class");
    	    	 starWidth: "20px",
    	    	 numStars: 5,
    	    	 fullStar: true
    			 if(getRate == 0){
    			 $("#ratingStatus"+replaceRosterId).text("Not Rated")
    			 }else if (getRate == 1){
    			 $("#ratingStatus"+replaceRosterId).text("Poor Performance");
    			 }else if (getRate == 2){
    			 $("#ratingStatus"+replaceRosterId).text("Needs Improvement");
    			 }else if (getRate == 3){
    			 $("#ratingStatus"+replaceRosterId).text("Solid Performance");
    			 }else if (getRate == 4){
    			 $("#ratingStatus"+replaceRosterId).text("Exceeded Expectations");
    			 }else if (getRate == 5){
    			 $("#ratingStatus"+replaceRosterId).text("Best In Class");
    			 $("#"+rateYoDivId).rateYo("rating", rateFromHiddenField);
    			  $("#"+rateYoDivId ).mouseover(function() {
    			 var maxValue = $("#"+rateYoDivId).rateYo("option", "rating");
    		$(".rateYo").rateYo().on("rateyo.set", function (e, data)
    			var  pubId1 = $(this).attr('data-showPubPosiId');
    			var	  uId1 = $(this).attr('data-userId');
    				 url : "api/users/saveOrUpdateRating/"+data.rating+"/"+pubId1+"/"+uId1,
    				 contentType : "application/json",
    				 success : function(response) 
    <table class=" " id="table_id2">
    											<th class="">First</th>
    											<th>Performance Rating</th>
    											<th class="">First</th>
    											<th>Performance Rating</th>
    <span th:text="|${roster.firstName}|"></span>
    <td th:text="${roster.lastName}" class="lastName"
    <span style="float: right">Supervisor : 
     <span	th:text="${roster.supervisorName}"></span></span></td>
    <td th:text="${roster.positions}" class="positions"
    <td  class="state"												th:attr="id='fnameId'+${roster.state}"><span th:text="${roster.stateCode}"></span></td>
    <td class="initialRating"><input type="hidden"						th:attr="id='hiddenRating'+${roster.showPubPosiId}+'_'+${roster.userId},data-showPubPosiId=${roster.showPubPosiId},data-userId=${roster.userId}" onclick="ratingData(this)" th:value="${roster.perforRating}" />
      <a href="#!"  class="rateYo" th:attr="id='rateYo'+${roster.showPubPosiId}+'_'+${roster.userId},data-showPubPosiId=${roster.showPubPosiId},data-userId=${roster.userId}"
    												style="width: 120px; float: left;" />
    <div style="color: #666; float: left; margin-left: 7px; margin-top: 3px; width: 150px;"
    												<div th:attr="id='ratingOnChange'+${roster.showPubPosiId}"></div></td>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$(this).next().text("Not Rated");



var myDataTable = $('#table_id2').DataTable({ /* ... skipped ... */ });

myDataTable.cell($(this).next()).data("Not Rated").draw();