如何解释profr :: profr的输出?

时间:2015-09-17 18:07:48

标签: r profiling


这两个似乎都相关:How to efficiently use Rprof in R?kernel matrix computation outside SVM training in kernlab





x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), 100)
x[x>1] <- NA
a <- profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2), interval= 0.005)

enter image description here





R> head(a, 10)
   level g_id t_id                f start   end n  leaf  time     source
9      1    1    1       kNN_impute 0.005 0.190 1 FALSE 0.185 imputation
10     2    1    1        var_tests 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005       <NA>
11     2    2    1            apply 0.010 0.190 1 FALSE 0.180       base
12     3    1    1         var.test 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005      stats
13     3    2    1              FUN 0.010 0.110 1 FALSE 0.100       <NA>
14     3    2    2              FUN 0.115 0.190 1 FALSE 0.075       <NA>
15     4    1    1 var.test.default 0.005 0.010 1 FALSE 0.005       <NA>
16     4    2    1           sapply 0.010 0.040 1 FALSE 0.030       base
17     4    3    1    dist_q.matrix 0.040 0.045 1 FALSE 0.005 imputation
18     4    4    1           sapply 0.045 0.075 1 FALSE 0.030       base

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


t <- tapply(a$time, paste(a$source, a$f, sep= "::"), sum)
t[order(t)] # time / function
R> round(t[order(t)] / sum(t), 4) # percentage of total time / function

base::!                    base::%in%                       base::|           base::anyDuplicated 
                       0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                      base::c                 base::deparse                     base::get                   base::match 
                       0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                   base::mget                     base::min                       base::t                   methods::el 
                       0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
          methods::getGeneric        NA::.findMethodInTable               NA::.getGeneric      NA::.getGenericFromCache 
                       0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
NA::.getGenericFromCacheTable                   NA::.identC             NA::.newSignature        NA::.quickCoerceSelect 
                       0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                NA::.sigLabel          NA::var.test.default                 NA::var_tests               stats::var.test 
                       0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015                        0.0015 
                  base::paste                 methods::as<-     NA::.findInheritedMethods        NA::.getClassFromCache 
                       0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0030 
               NA::doTryCatch              NA::tryCatchList               NA::tryCatchOne               base::crossprod 
                       0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0030                        0.0045 
                    base::try                base::tryCatch          methods::getClassDef      methods::possibleExtends 
                       0.0045                        0.0045                        0.0045                        0.0045 
          methods::loadMethod                   methods::is     imputation::dist_q.matrix          methods::validObject 
                       0.0075                        0.0090                        0.0120                        0.0136 
       NA::.findNextFromTable        methods::addNextMethod               NA::.nextMethod                  base::lapply 
                       0.0166                        0.0346                        0.0361                        0.0392 
                 base::sapply     imputation::impute_fn_knn                  methods::new        imputation::kNN_impute 
                       0.0392                        0.0392                        0.0437                        0.0557 
      methods::callNextMethod      kernlab::as.kernelMatrix                   base::apply         kernlab::kernelMatrix 
                       0.0572                        0.0633                        0.0663                        0.0753 
          methods::initialize                       NA::FUN         base::standardGeneric 
                       0.0798                        0.0994                        0.1325 

从这一点开始,我可以看到用户kernlab::kernelMatrix的最长时间以及来自 R 的S4类和泛型的开销。



prof_list <- replicate(100, profr(kNN_impute(x, k=5, q=2), 
    interval= 0.005), simplify = FALSE)

fun_timing <- vector("list", length= 100)
for (i in 1:100) {
  fun_timing[[i]] <- tapply(prof_list[[i]]$time, paste(prof_list[[i]]$source, prof_list[[i]]$f, sep= "::"), sum)

# Here is where the stochastic nature of the profiler complicates things.
# Because of randomness, each replication may have slightly different 
# functions called during profiling
sapply(fun_timing, function(x) {length(names(x))})

# we can also see some clearly odd replications (at least in my attempt)
> sapply(fun_timing, sum)
[1]    2.820    5.605    2.325    2.895    3.195    2.695    2.495    2.315    2.005    2.475    4.110    2.705    2.180    2.760
 [15] 3130.240    3.435    7.675    7.155    5.205    3.760    7.335    7.545    8.155    8.175    6.965    5.820    8.760    7.345
 [29]    9.815    7.965    6.370    4.900    5.720    4.530    6.220    3.345    4.055    3.170    3.725    7.780    7.090    7.670
 [43]    5.400    7.635    7.125    6.905    6.545    6.855    7.185    7.610    2.965    3.865    3.875    3.480    7.770    7.055
 [57]    8.870    8.940   10.130    9.730    5.205    5.645    3.045    2.535    2.675    2.695    2.730    2.555    2.675    2.270
 [71]    9.515    4.700    7.270    2.950    6.630    8.370    9.070    7.950    3.250    4.405    3.475    6.420 2948.265    3.470
 [85]    3.320    3.640    2.855    3.315    2.560    2.355    2.300    2.685    2.855    2.540    2.480    2.570    3.345    2.145
 [99]    2.620    3.650

删除异常复制并转换为data.frame s:

fun_timing <- fun_timing[-c(15,83)]
fun_timing2 <- lapply(fun_timing, function(x) {
  ret <- data.frame(fun= names(x), time= x)
  dimnames(ret)[[1]] <- 1:nrow(ret)


# function for merging DF's in a list
merge_recursive <- function(list, ...) {
  n <- length(list)
  df <- data.frame(list[[1]])
  for (i in 2:n) {
    df <- merge(df, list[[i]], ... = ...)

# merge
fun_time <- merge_recursive(fun_timing2, by= "fun", all= FALSE)
# do some munging
fun_time2 <- data.frame(fun=fun_time[,1], avg_time=apply(fun_time[,-1], 1, mean, na.rm=T))
fun_time2$avg_pct <- fun_time2$avg_time / sum(fun_time2$avg_time)
fun_time2 <- fun_time2[order(fun_time2$avg_time, decreasing=TRUE),]
# examine results
R> head(fun_time2, 15)
                         fun  avg_time    avg_pct
4      base::standardGeneric 0.6760714 0.14745123
20                   NA::FUN 0.4666327 0.10177262
12       methods::initialize 0.4488776 0.09790023
9      kernlab::kernelMatrix 0.3522449 0.07682464
8   kernlab::as.kernelMatrix 0.3215816 0.07013698
11   methods::callNextMethod 0.2986224 0.06512958
1                base::apply 0.2893367 0.06310437
7     imputation::kNN_impute 0.2433163 0.05306731
14              methods::new 0.2309184 0.05036331
10    methods::addNextMethod 0.2012245 0.04388708
3               base::sapply 0.1875000 0.04089377
2               base::lapply 0.1865306 0.04068234
6  imputation::impute_fn_knn 0.1827551 0.03985890
19           NA::.nextMethod 0.1790816 0.03905772
18    NA::.findNextFromTable 0.1003571 0.02188790


从结果来看,与单个案例一样,出现了类似但更强大的画面。也就是说, R 会产生大量开销,library(kernlab)也会让我失望。值得注意的是,由于kernlab是在S4中实现的,因此 R 的开销是相关的,因为S4类比S3类慢得多。
